"Be an Angel with Divine Powers"
Meditation On Silence
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Meditation On Silence

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Meditation On Silence

When Shall Silence Overcome Thee! O Mortal!

By Anand Krishna


In vain indeed do you converse! O mortal!
Thus far only do you know! O mortal!
He verily, o mortal is the maker of all.
Verily, know him, of whom all this is the work.
Verily, he alone is to be known! O mortal!
Verily you shall be received as a pupil! O mortal!
When shall silence overcome thee! O mortal!

Verily he shall take your hand and go forth into eternity.
Verily you shall meet the great one clad in white raiment.
Verily you shall just lie silent.
Where have you   lain so far! O mortal!
What has become of thee here, O mortal!
From where have you returned here, o mortal!
When shall silence overcome thee! O mortal!

When shall you be humbled in pride! O mortal!
When shall he accept you as his pupil! O mortal!
In the life breath alone you shall become one! O mortal!
Has not speech together with all names merged into your life breath.
Has not eye together with all forms merged into your life breath.
Has not ear together with all sounds merged into your life breath.
When shall silence overcome thee! O mortal!

Has not mind together with all thoughts merged into your life breath.
When shall you awake! O mortal!
From your blazing fire, when shall the sparks proceed in all directions.
From yourself, when shall the vital breaths proceed to their respective stations.
From your vital breaths, when shall the sense powers proceed to their respective stations.
When shall silence overcome thee! O mortal!

From your sense powers, when shall the worlds proceed to their respective stations.
When shall the very life spirit enter your bodily self.
When shall the self of intelligence enter your bodily self.
When shall you discover the razor hidden in the razor case.
When shall you discover the fire hidden in the fireplace.
When shall you overcome your demons.
When shall silence overcome thee! O mortal!

When shall you attain preeminence among all gods and all beings.
When shall you obtain sovereignty and overlordship.
When shall you striking off all evils attain preeminence.
When shall you striking off all evils attain sovereignty and overlordship over all beings.
When shall silence overcome thee! O mortal!


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