"Be an Angel with Divine Powers"
Meditation On Ether
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Meditation On Ether

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Meditation On Ether

Verily Meditate On Ether As Self! O Mortal!

By Anand Krishna


Verily in the ether exists both the sun and the moon.
Verily in the ether exists the lightening.
Verily in the ether exists the stars.
Verily in the ether exists the fire.
Verily meditate on ether as self! O mortal!

Verily through ether one calls another.
Verily through ether one hears another.
Verily through ether one answers another.
Verily in ether one enjoys or does not enjoys oneself.
Verily meditate on ether as self! O mortal!

Verily in ether one is born.
Verily through meditation on either thou shall attain the worlds of ether.
Verily through meditation on ether thou shall attain the worlds of light.
Verily through meditation on ether, thou shall attain unconfined and wide extending worlds.
Verily meditate on ether as self! O mortal!
Verily thou shall attain unlimited freedom as far as ether goes.
Verily meditate on ether as self! O mortal!


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