"Be an Angel with Divine Powers"
Sacred Symbols On Soul
Symbol Code: SM000059     Symbol Name: "Thouwai"   (Category: Soul )

"Thouwai"How the "Thouwai" (soul of the human beings) resides in the human body, is symbolized by the Wang-u-Pa (Philosophers) of the ancient Kangleipak many thousand years BC.


Symbol Code: SM000061     Symbol Name: Soul Mate   (Category: Soul )

Soul Mate(Soul Mate): Symbol in the Maori Culture (place in New Zealand)


Symbol Code: SM000062     Symbol Name: The Soul Egyptian   (Category: Soul )

The Soul Egyptian(Soul Melody): Symbol of The Soul Egyptian


Symbol Code: SM000145     Symbol Name: Kartika   (Category: Soul )

Kartika(Seperation of Soul): In Tibetan Buddhism, the Kartika, or Drigug, is a ritual flaying knife used in burial rituals, with the handle crafted as a dorje. A tool of the wrathful female deities known as Dakinis (“sky dancers”), the kartika symbolizes the cutting away of all things material, symbolized by the human body. Like the phurba and other Tibetan Buddhist implements, the kartika is a likely remnant of pre-Buddhist pagan practices.


Symbol Code: SM000183     Symbol Name: Flaming Chalice   (Category: Soul )

Flaming ChaliceThe flaming chalice was originally the emblem of the Unitarian Church. The symbol was designed in the nineteen forties, and officially adopted in the seventies as an official symbol of the Unitarian Universalist Church.
According to Church literature, the chalice symbolizes generosity, the flame symbolizes truth, and the chalice and the flame together form a cross, symbolizing the Church’s Christian roots.


Symbol Code: SM000212     Symbol Name: Theosophical Society   (Category: Soul )

Theosophical SocietyAnkh, a hexagram, an ouroboros, a swastika, and the Omkar symbol. Blavatksy’s intent was to create a symbol embodying universal spiritual symbols, emphasizing the common esoteric doctrines in every faith.


Symbol Code: SM000213     Symbol Name: The Sacred Chao   (Category: Soul )

The Sacred ChaoA symbol of Discordianism, take-off of the phrase “sacred cow.” Pictured in the Principia Discorida, an anonymous satirical book that pokes fun at religion and magick, it is described:
“THE SACRED CHAO is the key to illumination. Devised by the Apostle Hung Mung in ancient China, it was modified and popularized by the Taoists and is sometimes called the YIN-YANG. The Sacred Chao is not the Yin-Yang of the Taoists. It is the HODGE-PODGE of the Erisians. And, instead of a Podge spot on the Hodge side, it has a PENTAGON which symbolizes the ANERISTIC PRINCIPLE, and instead of a Hodge spot on the Podge side, it depicts the GOLDEN APPLE OF DISCORDIA to symbolize the ERISTIC PRINCIPLE.


Symbol Code: SM000214     Symbol Name: Healer’s Hand (Reiki Hand)   (Category: Soul )

Healer’s Hand (Reiki Hand)This is a fairly well known image, borrowed from Native American solar pictographs. It is used most often today to symbolize the energy-emitting hand of a Reiki or other spiritual healer. Reiki is a New Age healing practice that involves the manipulation of energy by initiates through symbols, which are created by moving the hands in specified patterns over the body. The meaning of the pictographic form, which is found in many places in the southwestern US, is unknown, but with its solar spiral likely represents a Shaman’s powers.


Symbol Code: SM000215     Symbol Name: Infinity symbol (Lemniscate)   (Category: Soul )

Infinity symbol (Lemniscate)The mathematical symbol for infinity is known as the lemniscate. It was devised in 1655 by mathematician John Wallis, and named lemniscus, ribbon, by Bernoulli about forty years later. The symbol is patterned after the device known as a mobius (named after a nineteenth century mathematician) strip. A mobius strip is a strip of paper which is twisted and attached at the ends, forming a two dimensional surface.


Symbol Code: SM000216     Symbol Name: Hugin and Munin   (Category: Soul )

Hugin and MuninHugin and Munin (Norse, “thought” and “memory”) are the twin ravens of Norse mythology. They are the servants of the Norse All-Father, Odin. According to legend, they are sent out each morning and report back to Odin each evening on the reports of the happenings of the world.


Symbol Code: SM000217     Symbol Name: Borjgali   (Category: Soul )

BorjgaliThe borjgali appears on Georgian money and official documents and is a pervasive symbol of national pride. It consists of an ancient, seven-winged solar wheel, often shown rising from a symbolic tree of life.


Symbol Code: SM000218     Symbol Name: Ausekla Zvaigzne   (Category: Soul )

Ausekla ZvaigzneAueskla means “star” in Lithuanian, and the Ausekla Zvaigzne (“star cross,” from the root Aust, dawn), or Star of Auseklis, is the emblem of the morning star in the Baltic region- the Latvian God Auseklis, as well as the Lithuanian goddess Ausrine, the daughter of the sun. The symbol is one of many ancient cosmological and magical symbols used in Eastern European folk art, and represents the god/goddess as the personification of the planet Venus.


Symbol Code: SM000219     Symbol Name: Tree of God   (Category: Soul )

Tree of Godsymbol of God’s presence and protection The Nyame Dua is a sacred spot where rituals are performed. Erected in front of thehouse or compound, it is crafted from a tree that has been cut where three or more branches come together. This stake holds an earthenware vessell filled with water and herbs or other symbolic materials for purification and blessing rituals.


Symbol Code: SM000342     Symbol Name: Vesica Pisces   (Category: Soul )

Vesica Pisces(Liberation of Soul): This symbol, called the vesica pisces (piscis) or “Jesus fish,” has an unusual history. Used almost exclusively today to denote membership in the Christian religion, the symbol once held a very different meaning (even to the early Christians who adopted it). The word usually found inscribed within, IXOYE (Ichthus), is Greek, meaning fish. The emblem became significant to Christians after St. Augustine, who extracted the word from the acrostic prophecy* of the Erythraean Sibyl, and applied the kabbalistic technique of notarikon (acrostic) to the word to reveal “Jesus Christ, God’s son, savior.”


Symbol Code: SM000343     Symbol Name: Melusine   (Category: Soul )

Melusine(Liberation of Soul): A typical illustration of a twin-tailed siren or mermaid. This creature is associated with numerous stories and legends, and is imbued with symbolic meaning in alchemy. The most common iteration of the siren is as Melusine, a creature from medieval legend. Melusine (sometimes, Melusina) was, according to legend, beautiful woman with a disturbing tendency to transform into a serpent from the waist down while bathing; it is the discovery of this nature that triggers calamity.


Symbol Code: SM000344     Symbol Name: Gourd   (Category: Soul )

Gourd(Liberation of Soul): The gourd is an ancient Taoist symbol of longevity and good health, but also a symbol of release. It is the emblem of Li Tie Guai, one of eight immortals of Taoist mythology. Li Tie Guai was a powerful magician who possessed not only the secret to immortality, but the ability to travel outside his body. Li carried the elixr of immortality in a gourd, which is an allegory for the body as the container of the soul. The gourd is known as the “precious gourd” in Feng Shui, and considered a receptacle of good fortune.
Curiously, the gourd also symbolizes resurrection and life in Christian theology. The gourd shelters the unfortunate Jonah, and is viewed as an allegorical symbol of the resurrection of Christ.


Symbol Code: SM000345     Symbol Name: Hotei   (Category: Soul )

Hotei(Liberation of Soul): A typical Taoist image of Hotei, one of the seven Japanese “gods of good fortune” (Shichi Fukujin). He is usually depicted as a smiling Buddhist monk, often with a fan and a sack of gifts or gold bars. A patron of children and the less fortunate, Hote is often pictured surrounded by laughing children. Figures of Ho Ti are often kept as good luck charms. Hotei is often thought to be a representation of Chinese Buddhist teacher Budaishi, and as Budaishi was believed by devotees to be the incarnation of Matreiya, the “future Buddha” who is to come, Hotei is often considered synonymous with Maitreya. It is there fore not uncommon (although confusing) to find Hotei figures referred to as “Buddhas.”


Symbol Code: SM000346     Symbol Name: Daruma Doll   (Category: Soul )

Daruma Doll(Liberation of Soul): An image of Daruma, or Bodhidharma (Daruma is short for Bodai Daruma, the Japanese rendering of the name), the founder of Zen Buddhism (Chan Buddhism), used throughout Japan as good luck talismans. The round shape of the dolls reflect an old legend: as the story goes, Daruma achieved Satori (enlightenment) after meditating in a cave for many years without moving. As a result, his arms and legs atrophied, accounting for the rounded appearance of the doll. He is also supposed to have cut off his eyelids off in frustration after dozing off during meditation, which is why so many portraits of the saint depict him with large, staring eyes.


Symbol Code: SM000347     Symbol Name: Druze Star   (Category: Soul )

Druze StarThis five segmented star is the primary emblem of the Druze faith, symbolizing the five tenets of Druze belief. Each segment is a different color, and each color represents a different universal principle:
The mind, the male principal, the sun; green. The soul, the female principal, the lunar principal, red. The Word, the mediator between the divine and the material, yellow. Will, the realm of possibility, Blue Manifested will, actualization, white.


Symbol Code: SM000348     Symbol Name: Jain Om (Bijaskhara, Navokar/Navkar)   (Category: Soul )

Jain Om (Bijaskhara, Navokar/Navkar)This Jain Symbol is a modified version of the Hindu Om. The five parts that make up the symbol symbolize the five lines of the Namokar Mantra, a daily prayer whose recital by believers is a central part of the Jain religion. The Namokar (or, namkar) mantra honors the five Jain Panch Parmeshtis, or great entities. The five parmeshtis are:
Arihantas, (Tirthankars or Jinas), the pure souls, the saints.
Siddhas, liberated souls who are beyond birth and death
Acharyas, leaders of Jain congregations
Upadhyays, initiated monks and nuns
Sadhus and Sadhvis, male and female laypersons (householders)


Symbol Code: SM000349     Symbol Name: Ch’an Chu   (Category: Soul )

Ch’an ChuThis iconic image of three-legged toad Chan Chu jealously guarding treasure is regarded as a prosperity charm the world over. Chan Chu is a character from Chinese folklore, the companion of the Taoist immortal Liu-Hai.* Chan-chu was a mythical beast who provided the sage instantaneous transportation. As the legend goes, the toad frequently sought the cool darkness of wells, and could only be lured from such sanctuary with a string baited with coins. The symbolism of the well is probably an allusion to reflection, as Ch’an Chu is a personification of the moon, his three legs symbolic of its three phases. In some stories, she is the wife of an immortal who steals an elixr of immortality and is punished by being transformed into a toad. Small statuettes of Chan Chu are frequent components of Feng Shui prescriptions for prosperity and luck. These are traditionally placed inside the doorway of a home of business, facing inward.


Symbol Code: SM000363     Symbol Name: Spirit Ship (Ship of the Slain)   (Category: Soul )

Spirit Ship (Ship of the Slain)(Soul Emancipation): The spirit ship is a common theme of Norse pictograph stone carvings, some dating as far back as the fifth millennium CE. The spirits ship is most commonly found on funerary monuments, where it represents the journey to the afterlife. The symbol has obvious connections to the Viking practice of sending the deceased into the afterlife aboard a burning ship. Interestingly, the form of the boat in the ancient carvings is identical to the Viking longship. Similar carvings have been found in Canada, dating as far back as 800 BCE.


Symbol Code: SM000364     Symbol Name: Hugin and Munin   (Category: Soul )

Hugin and Munin(Soul Emancipation): Hugin and Munin (Norse, “thought” and “memory”) are the twin ravens of Norse mythology. They are the servants of the Norse All-Father, Odin. According to legend, they are sent out each morning and report back to Odin each evening on the reports of the happenings of the world.
The examples above are adapted from a Viking picture stone from Gotland, Sweden, called the “Larbro” stone, which depicts scenes of the Norse Gods and the afterlife.


Symbol Code: SM000365     Symbol Name: Sleipnir (Steed of Odin)   (Category: Soul )

Sleipnir (Steed of Odin)(Soul Emancipation): The eight legs of Sleipnir were probably symbolic of the eight spokes solar wheel, and probably relate to an earlier form of Odin as a sun-god. There is some evidence that Odin himself was at one time anthropomorphized as a horse; Sleipnir’s ability to travel instantaneously associates him with sunlight.
In Norse mythological tales, Sleipnir is the offspring of the God Loki and Svaldifari, the great horse of the Giants. Sleipnir can be compared to the otherworldly horses of Celtic gods such as Manannan Mac Lir and Im Dagda.


Symbol Code: SM000366     Symbol Name: Troll Cross   (Category: Soul )

Troll Cross(Soul Emancipation): The troll cross is an amulet made of a circle of iron crossed at the bottom (possibly in the shape of an odal rune), a charm worn by early Scandinavian peoples as a protection against trolls and elves. Iron and crosses were both believed to ward off evil creatures.


Symbol Code: SM000367     Symbol Name: Oseberg “Buddha”   (Category: Soul )

Oseberg “Buddha”(Soul Emancipation): This enigmatic character appears as a decoration on a metal bucket uncovered in the remains of a Viking ship uncovered in Oseberg, Norway, which dates to about 800 CE. Called the Oseberg Buddha because his lotus-posture pose and decorative swastikas are reminiscent of eastern designs, this character is most likely a representation of the God Thor.


Symbol Code: SM000368     Symbol Name: Tryzub (Ukrainian Trident)   (Category: Soul )

Tryzub (Ukrainian Trident)(Soul Emancipation): The Tryzub (pronounced “treh-zoob”) is the ubiquitous symbol of Ukraine. The ancient symbol is believed to have originated as a tribal symbol; today it is emblazoned on the country’s flag, on postage, money, business logos, even Easter eggs! The highly stylized version seen almost everywhere in Ukraine originated as the family crest of Volodymyr, a tenth century Ukrainian Prince.
Today, the tryzub is worn as a symbol of national pride, as a symbol of the Christian trinity, or as a synthesis of the divine elements of fire and water in the manifest world.


Symbol Code: SM000369     Symbol Name: Lietuvos Kryzius (Lithuanian Cross)   (Category: Soul )

Lietuvos Kryzius (Lithuanian Cross)(Soul Emancipation): The Lietvos Kryzius (“Lithuanian Cross”) is a stylized folk art cross commonly found in Lithuania, used for funerals and as votive offerings. The cross marries Lithuanian pagan and Christian symbolism, and is derived from pre-Christian renditions of the cosmic tree. Most images include solar and lunar symbolism, such as sun’s rays and crescent moons, as well as tree branches, etc.


Symbol Code: SM000370     Symbol Name: Sei He Ki Reiki Symbol   (Category: Soul )

Sei He Ki Reiki Symbol(Soul Emancipation): The sei he ki symbol is used for mental and also for emotional healing, protection, purification, clearing and balancing. This symbol goes to the heart of the disease, which can often be hidden in the subconscious mind (emotional body) and or the conscious mind (the mental body). When a human body manifests disease, it is often attempting to deliver a message that there is something in the body that needs attention and care. This mental and emotional healing symbol balances the right and left brain.


Symbol Code: SM000371     Symbol Name: All-seeing Eye   (Category: Soul )

All-seeing Eye(Soul Identity): Used in divination and magic for casting spells curses and psychic control, the All-seeing Eye is a Masonic symbol that is regarded as the eye of Lucifer. It is believed that the person who can control it can control the world’s finances.


Symbol Code: SM000372     Symbol Name: The Self   (Category: Soul )

The Self(Soul Identity): This archetype represents the wholeness of an individual that is brought about by unification of the consciousness and the unconsciousness. The self is created by the integration of all aspects of the personality. The self and the other archetypes cannot exist without each other.


Symbol Code: SM000373     Symbol Name: The Initiation   (Category: Soul )

The Initiation(Soul Identity): It is a situational archetype that represents the process whereby a person is transferred into a different sphere of influence.


Symbol Code: SM000374     Symbol Name: Minoan Bee Goddess   (Category: Soul )

Minoan Bee Goddess(Soul Identity): A figure of a Minoan Goddess in the shape of a bee,* one of several portrayals found in the art and religious artifacts of ancient Minoan culture.
These artifacts are assumed to be related to the local Mother Goddess cult, but very little is known about Minoan religion.
*Or, a representation of the Melissae (bees), the priestesses of the cult.


Symbol Code: SM000375     Symbol Name: Mala/Juzu (Buddhist Prayer Beads)   (Category: Soul )

Mala/Juzu (Buddhist Prayer Beads)(Soul Identity): Mala (Tibetan prayer beads) are strings of beads used as an aid to prayer and the recitation of mantras in the Buddhist religion, much as a Catholic rosary is used (both share name similarity as well- both ‘rosary’ and ‘mala’ refer to garlands of flowers). A mala is held in the hand and rotated, one bead at a time, while mantras are recited. Beads of varying number and material are used for various purposes: crystal for clearing obstacles, bone for subduing demons, etc.


Symbol Code: SM000376     Symbol Name: Magatama   (Category: Soul )

Magatama(Soul Identity): The magatama is a very ancient emblem of Japanese identity. The original matagama were small, animal-tooth shaped amulets made of stone (usually jade), bone, or horn. These small ornaments appear in Japanese and Korean burial sites from around 1000 BCE, and might have served as status symbols.
According to Shinto legend, a necklace of magatama (Yasakani no Magatama ) was among the items hung outside the cave of the sun goddess Amaterasu, and is counted among the three ‘treasures’ of the Japanese imperial regalia


Symbol Code: SM000377     Symbol Name: Celtic Cauldron (Cauldron of Cerridwen, Cauldron of Plenty)   (Category: Soul )

Celtic Cauldron (Cauldron of Cerridwen, Cauldron of Plenty)(Soul Identity): The cauldron was an important artifact in Celtic daily life, where it served as the hub of the home. It was used for most household cooking, as well as for bathing and carrying water, and was the finest object owned by most households. The cauldron was likewise central in Celtic religious practice, where it was used for divination and sacrificial rituals. The cauldron was an emblem of the domain of water, and beautifully designed cauldrons were frequently sacrificed to the gods of lakes and rivers. The ocean itself was at times conceived as a great cauldron.


Symbol Code: SM000378     Symbol Name: Bride’s Cross (Brighid’s Cross) bride's cross   (Category: Soul )

Bride’s Cross (Brighid’s Cross)
bride's cross(Soul Identity): Usually known as “Bride’s Cross,” this equal-armed cross is traditionally woven from straw in honor of Ireland’s Saint Bridget (Also known as: Bride, Brighid, Brigid) on her holiday, Candlemas, observed on the second of February.
There is a very strong likelihood that there never was such a personage as St. Bridget, and that she may have been a cover for worship of the Celtic Goddess of the same name. In the legends, Brighid was a particularly wise and powerful Abbess.


Symbol Code: SM000379     Symbol Name: Kalachakra (Wheel of Time, Tenfold Powerful One, Ten-fold Seed Syllable)   (Category: Soul )

Kalachakra (Wheel of Time, Tenfold Powerful One, Ten-fold Seed Syllable)(Soul Identity): The kalachakra seed syllable is a complex Buddhist emblem symbolizing the Kalachakra, or wheel of time. the seven intertwined letters (rendered in Lantsa, a Buddhist version of Sanskrit used for mantras and sacred texts) represent the seven words of the kalachakra mantra- “Ham Ksha Ma La Va Ra Ya.” The seven letters, combined with the crescent and full moons and the nada (wisp), make up the ten elements that give the emblem its name.


Symbol Code: SM000380     Symbol Name: Citipati (Lords of the Cemetery)   (Category: Soul )

Citipati (Lords of the Cemetery)(Soul Identity): In Tibetan Buddhism, the Citipati, or “Lords of the Cemetery” are two mythological Buddhist ascetics, who were so deep in their meditation, they were caught unawares by a thief and beheaded even before they knew they were dead. As a symbol, the Chittipati represent the eternal dance of death, and perfect awareness.
They are usually depicted as a male/female pair of intertwined skeletons caught up in an ecstatic dance. The dance of the Citipati is commemorated twice annually in Tibet with ritual dances. The Citipati are invoked as ‘wrathful deities,’ benevolent protectors who appear as fierce beings with a demonic appearance.


Symbol Code: SM000381     Symbol Name: Phurba (Phurbha, Phurpa, Kila)   (Category: Soul )

Phurba (Phurbha, Phurpa, Kila)(Soul Identity): The Phurba is a special triple sided Tibetan ritual dagger or stake, patterned after an ancient Vedic tool which originated as a ritual stake used to tether sacrificial animals. It is used ritually to create stability and areas of protected space, often staked into the ground in circles prior to rituals. Only one initiated into its use may possess a phurbha, all others are forbidden.


Symbol Code: SM000425     Symbol Name: Hathor (Headdress of Hathor)   (Category: Soul )

Hathor (Headdress of Hathor)An Egyptian hieroglyph representing the headdress of Hathor, a multifaceted goddess of the love, beauty, and fertility. The headdress consists of a sun disk surrounded by horns, the emblem of Hathor’s cow-goddess aspect.
Hathor is equivalent to the Roman Venus and the Greek Aphrodite. She is associated with the Milky Way, and the souls of Egyptian women judged to be worthy were identified with her.


Symbol Code: SM000426     Symbol Name: Operating Thetan Symbol (Scientology)   (Category: Soul )

Operating Thetan Symbol (Scientology)An emblem used as an insignia designating an “Operating Thetan” in Scientology. The shape is reminiscent of an Egyptian scarab (perhaps intentionally), but is a combined “O” and “T.”
In Scientology dogma, a thetan is analogous to the human soul. According to Scientology, “body thetans” are misplaced thetans that leech off the body of another, and cause a variety of ailments and personality/emotional problems.


Symbol Code: SM000427     Symbol Name: Melusine (Alchemical Siren, Twin-tailed Mermaid)   (Category: Soul )

Melusine (Alchemical Siren, Twin-tailed Mermaid)A typical illustration of a twin-tailed siren or mermaid. This creature is associated with numerous stories and legends, and is imbued with symbolic meaning in alchemy. The most common iteration of the siren is as Melusine, a creature from medieval legend. Melusine (sometimes, Melusina) was, according to legend, beautiful woman with a disturbing tendency to transform into a serpent from the waist down while bathing; it is the discovery of this nature that triggers calamity.


Symbol Code: SM000428     Symbol Name: Kabbalistic Tetraktys   (Category: Soul )

Kabbalistic TetraktysThe tetraktys was so sacred to the Pythagoreans that it formed the basis of their oath: “By that pure, holy, four lettered name on high, nature’s eternal fountain and supply, the parent of all souls that living be, by him, with faith find oath, I swear to thee.”
The dots represent numbers, and their descent symbolizes the order of creation of the known universe, and the increasing complexity of its manifestation. The four lower numbers represent the four elements; the upper, the monad, or first principle. The tetraktys and its mysteries influenced the early kabbalists, who devised a similar form to expound upon the Tetragrammaton (the four lettered name of god in Hebrew scripture). The Kabbalistic Tree of Life, with its spheres of emanation, is derived from the tetraktys.


Symbol Code: SM000429     Symbol Name: Sleipnir (Steed of Odin)   (Category: Soul )

Sleipnir (Steed of Odin)Sleipnir (Norse, “gliding one”) is the legendary eight-legged horse belonging to Odin, the Father-God of the Norse pantheon. Sleipnir carries Odin between the world of the Gods and the world of matter. The eight legs symbolize the directions of the compass, and Sleipnir’s ability to travel through both land and air. spacer


Symbol Code: SM000430     Symbol Name: Julbock (Christmas Goat)   (Category: Soul )

Julbock (Christmas Goat)The Julbock or Yule-goat is a ubiquitous symbol of the winter holidays in Scandinavian countries. A throwback to Pre-Christian times, the Julbock is another Pagan Yule symbol that was absorbed into Christian holiday customs. In the Norse pagan religion, the goat was the conveyance of the gods- early images of Odin in a goat-drawn cart are eerily similar to later depictions of Santa Claus.


Symbol Code: SM000431     Symbol Name: The ring stone   (Category: Soul )

The ring stoneThe three horizontal lines represent the three basics of Baha’i belief- the world of God, the World of God’s manifestation, and the world of man. The vertical bar represents the connection of these worlds, and the stars flanking the glyph represent the Báb and Bahá’u'lláh, the founders and prophets of the faith.


Symbol Code: SM000644     Symbol Name: Operating Thetan Symbol (Scientology)   (Category: Soul )

Operating Thetan Symbol (Scientology)(Soul Release): An emblem used as an insignia designating an “Operating Thetan” in Scientology. The shape is reminiscent of an Egyptian scarab (perhaps intentionally), but is a combined “O” and “T.”
In Scientology dogma, a thetan is analogous to the human soul. According to Scientology, “body thetans” are misplaced thetans that leech off the body of another, and cause a variety of ailments and personality/emotional problems.


Symbol Code: SM000645     Symbol Name: Ashlar (Ashler)   (Category: Soul )

Ashlar (Ashler)(Soul Release): In stone masonry, ashlar is quarried stone used for building. In the symbolism of Freemasonry, the “rough” and the “perfect” ashlar are two of the three ‘movable jewels’ of the Mason’s Lodge. Together, they represent man in his potential and realized state, respectively.
The rough ashlar is analogous to the alchemical idea of base matter, through which purified alchemical salt is obtained by dissolution: both the pure salt and the perfect ashlar symbolize the human soul realized through spiritual and intellectual pursuits.


Symbol Code: SM000646     Symbol Name: Mezuzah   (Category: Soul )

Mezuzah(Soul Release): A mezuzah (Hebrew, doorpost) actually refers to a small case, usually made of metal, which can be found affixed to the doorposts of Jewish homes, schools, and synagogues. Technically, the mezuzah is what is contained in the case, a parchment containing the two Hebrew inscriptions from Deuteronomy required by Jewish religious law to be posted on the doorposts of believers


Symbol Code: SM000647     Symbol Name: Winged Heart of the Sufi Order   (Category: Soul )

Winged Heart of the Sufi Order(Soul Release): The symbol of the Order is a heart with wings. It explains that the heart is between soul and body, a medium between spirit and matter. When the soul is covered by its love for matter it is naturally attracted to matter. This is the law of gravitation in abstract form, as it is said in the Bible, ‘Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.’ When man treasures the things of the earth his heart is drawn to the earth. But the heart is subject not only to gravitation, but also to attraction from on high, and as in the Egyptian symbology, wings are considered as the symbol of spiritual progress, the heart with wings expresses that the heart reaches upward towards heaven.


Symbol Code: SM000648     Symbol Name: Change or transform your character   (Category: Soul )

Change or transform your character(Soul Release): Symbol of life transformation:
This symbol combines two separate adinkra symbols, the “Morning Star” which can mean a new start to the day, placed inside the wheel, representing rotation or independent movement.


Symbol Code: SM000649     Symbol Name: Druze Star   (Category: Soul )

Druze Star(Soul Release): This five segmented star is the primary emblem of the Druze faith, symbolizing the five tenets of Druze belief. Each segment is a different color, and each color represents a different universal principle:
The mind, the male principal, the sun; green. The soul, the female principal, the lunar principal, red. The Word, the mediator between the divine and the material, yellow. Will, the realm of possibility, Blue Manifested will, actualization, white.


Symbol Code: SM000654     Symbol Name: Diamond Alchemy Symbol   (Category: Soul )

Diamond Alchemy Symbol(Soul Release): The diamond is a symbol of refracting light to the alchemist. As such, the diamond is symbolic of the journey our souls make when we are trying to achieve higher understanding.
The goal for mankind is to walk a path on which our souls will shine and sparkle as brightly as the diamonds. On this path there will be many labyrinth turns (representative of the angles and facets of the diamond).
But if we travel the path with honorable hearts, and if we are aware of the reflective nature of our lives (our actions reflectining in our reality), we will accomplish our mission of light.


Symbol Code: SM000655     Symbol Name: Diamond Symbol   (Category: Soul )

Diamond Symbol(Soul Release): Shown left is a common motif among Native peoples indigenous to North America, Canada, and Mexico. It signifies the butterfly. Indian nations identify the butterfly with the concept of "immortality."
Immortality here is seen in the migratory patterns of the butterfly where they flock by the millions after traveling thousands of miles - coming home.
This homecoming was seen as intensely powerful to Native thought. To explain, the Native American symbolic mode of thought moves on a multitude of levels. Therefore, a Monarch's return home was translated to mean the soul's journey home.


Symbol Code: SM000656     Symbol Name: Antimony   (Category: Soul )

Antimony(Soul Release): A metalloid, antimony, resembles metal in its appearance and physical properties, but does not chemically react as a metal. This elemental alchemy symbol represents animal tendencies found in humankind – a wild nature in all of us – wear this symbol when you are feeling meek – it will remind you of the animal power that dwells within you.


Symbol Code: SM000657     Symbol Name: Change Symbol   (Category: Soul )

Change Symbol(Soul Release): The meaning of the Change symbol is represented by the weather related symbols of rain, lightening and clouds. These are all important symbols representing change, renewal & fertility. The weather is constantly changing and the power to change and produce water for sustenance was essential to life. The lightening symbol is extremely powerful and is closely associated to the Thunderbird, a powerful spirit in the form of a supernatural bird from which lightning flashed from its eyes and its beak.


Symbol Code: SM000658     Symbol Name: Warrior Symbol   (Category: Soul )

Warrior Symbol(Soul Release): The Warrior symbol featured strongly in the Mississippian culture. They were a warlike people and this is indicated by the image. In his hand he holds a war club which was a bludgeoning weapon and in his topknot is another motif which reflects more weaponry. This symbol makes it clear that this person is not a deity as he is wearing the 'Forked Eye' surround motif indicating his residence on Earth between the Upperworld and the Underworld. The Warrior created a powerful, intimidating figure immediately associated with warfare. The Warrior symbol picture clearly shows that he carries a severed head. The severed head proves his prowess as a warrior.


Symbol Code: SM000850     Symbol Name: Symbolic Sunflower   (Category: Soul )

Symbolic SunflowerThe sunflower moves itself in the most direct position in front of the sun so it can get the maximum sun rays. This is symbolic of spiritual faith, and worship because we follow our belief system as the sunflower moves to face the life-giving rays of the sun. In esoteric Christianity, the sunflower is a symbol of God's love. The sunflower as a symbol can also represent the unwavering faith that guides the soul to the highest spiritual attunement.


Symbol Code: SM000851     Symbol Name: Feathers   (Category: Soul )

FeathersThe Egyptians believed that feathers were symbolic of sky gods too. Ma'at, the Egyptian goddess of justice, would weigh the hearts of the newly dead in the underworld against the weight of a feather to determine the worthiness of his or her soul.
In Christianity feathers represented virtues. In fact, an image of three feathers were made into signet rings - each feather symbolizing Charity, hope, and faith. These rings were worn as a symbol of a virtuous soul - they were also used as wax seals. The ring would be dipped in warm wax then pressed against documents to seal the closure. The recipient would know the documents came from a virtuous man by the indication of the three-feather symbol in the wax.


Symbol Code: SM000852     Symbol Name: Celtic Symbol of the Triple Flame (Arwen):   (Category: Soul )

Celtic Symbol of the Triple Flame (Arwen):The ancient Celts were keenly aware of the metaphorical significance of fire and its spiritually transformative properties. Examples of this knowledge are found in Celtic statues and art in the form of three flames or rays found upon the faces of deities or Celtic clansmen and women. These flames were rendered in lines aspiring up and outwards to the subject's forehead with the base of the three lines meeting at the bridge of the nose. This motif is symbolic of Arwen a Celtic concept of enlightenment, inspiration, and total unification of polarities (in other words, a calm balance struck between male/female, physical/ethereal, etc. within the human awareness).


Symbol Code: SM000853     Symbol Name: Mayan Symbol Version for Fire:   (Category: Soul )

Mayan Symbol Version for Fire:A composite of several symbolic elements: K'ak is represented by the flame itself; as a whole, this represents the Hand of Fire - the fire holder. This glyph is also representative of the incense burner, a sacred device which is the focal point of fire rituals. This specific Mayan fire symbol is an artistic rendition of the yajaw k'ak' which translates to mean "servant of Fire." More importantly the symbol itself expresses the point of ignition of magic - that explosive apex in time and place when cosmic flame enters the awareness. This is a state of unification between body and psyche, as fire is a consummate unifier.


Symbol Code: SM000854     Symbol Name: Native American Symbol of the Seven Rays:   (Category: Soul )

Native American Symbol of the Seven Rays:From the Uto-Aztecs comes this common fire and sun symbol motif representing the seven rays of spiritual development. Each ray is symbolic of the energetic fire that ignites the whole (or soul) of man. The seven ray sun is also a symbol of fire in the Cherokee symbolic language as each of the seven rays are symbolic of the seven ceremonies of the year, each revolving around a sacred fire.


Symbol Code: SM000855     Symbol Name: Shinto Tomoe Symbol:   (Category: Soul )

Shinto Tomoe Symbol:Not strictly a fire symbol, but included here for its lessons of balance. The word tomoe means "turning" or "circle," and the symbol is also called a fire wheel. The Shinto/Buddhist symbol shown here is reminiscent of the yin yang symbol, and holds many of the same symbolic/energetic traits. This symbol is occasionally shown with three flames, each symbolizing humanity, heaven and earth - the three foundations of Shinto philosophy.


Symbol Code: SM000856     Symbol Name: Tibetan Mo Divinatory Syllables:   (Category: Soul )

Tibetan Mo Divinatory Syllables:A practice of Tibetan lamas is to recite six syllables in their meditations with the understanding that the focused energy of each syllable powerfully corresponds to a particular cosmic force. In our scenario, the symbols shown left are the syllables, "tsa ra," which means "the sword of flames." In divinatory language, this symbol indicates the power and influence inherent in the force of fire. The recipient of this oracle should understand the destructive powers of fire, and in this understanding wield cosmic fire as a tool for declaring love, taking right action, and moving through blockages.


Symbol Code: SM000894     Symbol Name: Feather Mandala   (Category: Soul )

Feather MandalaFeathers represent ascension and spiritual strength. Feathers were worn by Chiefs to symbolize their communication with Spirit, and to express their celestial wisdom. This Native American mandala is representative of the cosmos with the center representing ourselves. When focused upon, we lose ourselves to the finer, lighter energies of the air, and we begin to feel ourselves relax into the knowledge of our presence within the universe. By contemplating such higher ideals, we are able to understand our purposes and desires more clearly.


Symbol Code: SM000895     Symbol Name: Dream Catcher Mandala   (Category: Soul )

Dream Catcher MandalaLegend has it that a Sioux woman could not put her child to sleep. She went to the old medicine woman who gave her a ring of willows with spider webs laced through the center. The medicine woman explained that the sleepless child suffered from nightmares, and the willow ring would serve to filter the bad dreams out, allowing only good dreams to visit her sleep. As a mandala, the dream catcher has two connotations. One, it allows us to utilize filtering power of our minds. It also brings our attention to the elaborate construction of our lives, and our power to construct and rebuild it as we deem fit. Both of these meanings boil down to the reminder that our thoughts are powerful, and have the ability to make our lives into nightmares or incredible dreams.


Symbol Code: SM000896     Symbol Name: Sun and Wind Mandala   (Category: Soul )

Sun and Wind MandalaThis Native American mandala represents the life giving power of the sun combined with the ever-present spirit of the wind. The two together give us a unique and intimate perspective of the powers of nature. When focused upon, the essence of who we are falls into the meaning of the mandala, and we see how the philosophical energies of the sun and wind can positively change the entire structure of our lives.


Symbol Code: SM000897     Symbol Name: Labyrinth Mandala   (Category: Soul )

Labyrinth MandalaThe labyrinth is a common Native American symbol representing our life as a journey. It also begs the heavy questions of our philosophical beginnings. Most interestingly, these labyrinths do not have endings, and so this mandala drives home the fact that we are each infinite, and eternal. By focusing on this mandala, we are able to see our beginnings and understand it to the relation of our journey. Not necessarily viewing our life as a labyrinth, but rather, understanding our life is what we make of it. Our nature is infinite, and how we live our lives will determine the amount of freedom our soul experiences.


Symbol Code: SM000898     Symbol Name: Celtic Skull Symbol   (Category: Soul )

Celtic Skull SymbolCeltic culture viewed the head or skull to be the seat of power. Some texts point to the skull as the house of the soul.
We can look to the symbolism of water, and know it carries meanings of cleansing, purification and fluidity of motion (emotions are also a water symbol). Then, if skulls symbolize the seat of the soul and power, perhaps hurling them into the dark depths of sacred well water indicates an intent to cleanse the soul or offer divine clarity and renewal for the soul.


Symbol Code: SM000899     Symbol Name: Jizo, Jizou (Ksitigarbha)   (Category: Soul )

Jizo, Jizou (Ksitigarbha)A fairly typical image of Jizo, a Japanese form of the Buddhist Bodhisattva* (Bosatsu) Ksitigarbha. He is depicted throughout Asia as a simple, childlike monk, but he is especially venerated in Japan as a protector of the souls of children and the unborn. It is common to see Jizo figures all over Japan, especially along roadsides and paths. Offerings are left with the icons, most commonly caps or bibs, flowers, and stones, often pleas to reduce the suffering of children. Jizo’s staff (shakujo) is a traditional monk’s walking stick, hung with metal rings, ostensibly to warn away animals on the road for the mutual protection of man and creature alike.
*A Bodhisattva (Sanskrit, “essence of enlightenment”) is a highly spiritually developed being who stops short of Buddhahood in order to aid others in attaining enlightenment.


Symbol Code: SM000900     Symbol Name: Gourd   (Category: Soul )

GourdThe gourd is an ancient Taoist symbol of longevity and good health, but also a symbol of release. It is the emblem of Li Tie Guai, one of eight immortals of Taoist mythology. Li Tie Guai was a powerful magician who possessed not only the secret to immortality, but the ability to travel outside his body. Li carried the elixr of immortality in a gourd, which is an allegory for the body as the container of the soul. The gourd is known as the “precious gourd” in Feng Shui, and considered a receptacle of good fortune.
Curiously, the gourd also symbolizes resurrection and life in Christian theology. The gourd shelters the unfortunate Jonah, and is viewed as an allegorical symbol of the resurrection of Christ.


Symbol Code: SM000951     Symbol Name: Operating Thetan Symbol (Scientology)   (Category: Soul )

Operating Thetan Symbol (Scientology)An emblem used as an insignia designating an “Operating Thetan” in Scientology. The shape is reminiscent of an Egyptian scarab (perhaps intentionally), but is a combined “O” and “T.”
In Scientology dogma, a thetan is analogous to the human soul. According to Scientology, “body thetans” are misplaced thetans that leech off the body of another, and cause a variety of ailments and personality/emotional problems.
An “Operating Thetan” is a person who has “cleared” away body thetans through Scientology auditing.


Symbol Code: SM000952     Symbol Name: Jain Om (Bijaskhara, Navokar/Navkar)   (Category: Soul )

Jain Om (Bijaskhara, Navokar/Navkar)This Jain Symbol is a modified version of the Hindu Om. The five parts that make up the symbol symbolize the five lines of the Namokar Mantra, a daily prayer whose recital by believers is a central part of the Jain religion. The Namokar (or, namkar) mantra honors the five Jain Panch Parmeshtis, or great entities. The five parmeshtis are:
Arihantas, (Tirthankars or Jinas), the pure souls, the saints.
Siddhas, liberated souls who are beyond birth and death
Acharyas, leaders of Jain congregations
Upadhyays, initiated monks and nuns
Sadhus and Sadhvis, male and female laypersons (householders)


Symbol Code: SM000953     Symbol Name: Druze Star   (Category: Soul )

Druze StarThis five segmented star is the primary emblem of the Druze faith, symbolizing the five tenets of Druze belief. Each segment is a different color, and each color represents a different universal principle:
The mind, the male principal, the sun; green. The soul, the female principal, the lunar principal, red. The Word, the mediator between the divine and the material, yellow. Will, the realm of possibility, Blue Manifested will, actualization, white.


Symbol Code: SM000954     Symbol Name: Jizo, Jizou (Ksitigarbha)   (Category: Soul )

Jizo, Jizou (Ksitigarbha)A fairly typical image of Jizo, a Japanese form of the Buddhist Bodhisattva* (Bosatsu) Ksitigarbha. He is depicted throughout Asia as a simple, childlike monk, but he is especially venerated in Japan as a protector of the souls of children and the unborn. It is common to see Jizo figures all over Japan, especially along roadsides and paths. Offerings are left with the icons, most commonly caps or bibs, flowers, and stones, often pleas to reduce the suffering of children. Jizo’s staff (shakujo) is a traditional monk’s walking stick, hung with metal rings, ostensibly to warn away animals on the road for the mutual protection of man and creature alike.
*A Bodhisattva (Sanskrit, “essence of enlightenment”) is a highly spiritually developed being who stops short of Buddhahood in order to aid others in attaining enlightenment.


Symbol Code: SM000955     Symbol Name: Tetraktys (Tetrakt)   (Category: Soul )

Tetraktys (Tetrakt)This Tetraktys (from the Greek, tetras, four) is a triangular figure composed of the first ten points arranged in the shape of a pyramid. The tetraktys was devised by the Greek philosopher Pythagoras as a symbol of the Cosmos. It is composed of the integers one through ten, aligned in four rows (tetraktys means ‘fourfold).
The tetraktys was so sacred to the Pythagoreans that it formed the basis of their oath: “By that pure, holy, four lettered name on high, nature’s eternal fountain and supply, the parent of all souls that living be, by him, with faith find oath, I swear to thee.”
The dots represent numbers, and their descent symbolizes the order of creation of the known universe, and the increasing complexity of its manifestation. The four lower numbers represent the four elements; the upper, the monad, or first principle. The tetraktys and its mysteries influenced the early kabbalists, who devised a similar form to expound upon the Tetragrammaton (the four lettered name of god in Hebrew scripture). The Kabbalistic Tree of Life, with its spheres of emanation, is derived from the tetraktys.


Symbol Code: SM000956     Symbol Name: Melusine (Alchemical Siren, Twin-tailed Mermaid)   (Category: Soul )

Melusine (Alchemical Siren, Twin-tailed Mermaid)A typical illustration of a twin-tailed siren or mermaid. This creature is associated with numerous stories and legends, and is imbued with symbolic meaning in alchemy. The most common iteration of the siren is as Melusine, a creature from medieval legend. Melusine (sometimes, Melusina) was, according to legend, beautiful woman with a disturbing tendency to transform into a serpent from the waist down while bathing; it is the discovery of this nature that triggers calamity.
As the story is most often told, the cursed maiden is discovered in the forest by Raymond, the Duke of Aquitaine, who begs her to marry him. She agrees, on condition that he never disturb her on a Saturday, when she bathes. Raymond eventually grows suspicious of his young wife, and spies on her- and his shocked reaction to her true appearance reveals his betrayal to Melusine, who transforms herself into a dragon and departs in a shrieking fury. This story can be viewed as a metaphor for sexuality, and the contradictory duality of the female nature as viewed through medieval eyes.


Symbol Code: SM000960     Symbol Name: Faravahar (Fravashi)   (Category: Soul )

Faravahar (Fravashi)(ENTRANCE OF SELF INTO THE BODY): The Farohar or faravahar is both an emblem of the Zoroastrian religion and of Persian identity. Faravahar means “to choose.” The Faravahar is descended from the Egyptian winged disk, a symbol of divine kingship. It once represented the Assyrian sun god Shamash, and may have represented the corona of a solar eclipse.
In the modern Zoroastrian faith, it represents the human soul.


Symbol Code: SM000983     Symbol Name: Dream Catcher Mandala   (Category: SOUL )

Dream Catcher Mandala(Soul Bliss): Legend has it that a Sioux woman could not put her child to sleep. She went to the old medicine woman who gave her a ring of willows with spider webs laced through the center. The medicine woman explained that the sleepless child suffered from nightmares, and the willow ring would serve to filter the bad dreams out, allowing only good dreams to visit her sleep. As a mandala, the dream catcher has two connotations. One, it allows us to utilize filtering power of our minds. It also brings our attention to the elaborate construction of our lives, and our power to construct and rebuild it as we deem fit. Both of these meanings boil down to the reminder that our thoughts are powerful, and have the ability to make our lives into nightmares or incredible dreams.


Symbol Code: SM000991     Symbol Name: Sun and Wind Mandala   (Category: SOUL )

Sun and Wind Mandala(Soul Identity): This Native American mandala represents the life giving power of the sun combined with the ever-present spirit of the wind. The two together give us a unique and intimate perspective of the powers of nature. When focused upon, the essence of who we are falls into the meaning of the mandala, and we see how the philosophical energies of the sun and wind can positively change the entire structure of our lives.


Symbol Code: SM000992     Symbol Name: Triratna, (Tiratana, Tisarana, Triple Gem, Three Treasures, Threefold Refuge)   (Category: SOUL )

Triratna, (Tiratana, Tisarana, Triple Gem, Three Treasures, Threefold Refuge)(Soul Identity): The tiratana is Buddhist emblem symbolizing the three jewels, or “refuges” of Buddhism. The symbolism is likely drawn from the Vedic trisula, which has similar interpretations.
The three Refuges are: the Buddha, the Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha), and the Sangha (the community of believers), as well as additional layers of symbolism, such as:
The three virtues of the Buddha:wisdom, purity, compassion
The three parts of the Pali Canon, or Tripitaka (“three collections,” the earliest Buddhist canon), which includes the Vinaya, guidelines for behavior, Sutra, discourses and stories of the Buddha, and Abhidharma, Metaphysical teachings.


Symbol Code: SM000993     Symbol Name: Vel of Lord Murugan (Shula, Spear of Murugan)   (Category: SOUL )

Vel of Lord Murugan (Shula, Spear of Murugan)(Soul Identity): This symbolizes the sharp, triangular lance, or Vel, is the sacred weapon of the Hindu war god Murugan (Also called Skanda, Karttikeya, Subramanya). Vel’s other attributes are a peacock and a mace.
The vel in Vedic mythology was a demon-slaying instrument; it symbolizes penetrating spiritual knowledge, wisdom, and the cutting away of ignorance. In an annual procession honoring the god in Southern India, it is common for devotees to pierce their cheeks or other body parts with miniature lances.


Symbol Code: SM000994     Symbol Name: Wisdom Eyes of Buddha (Bodhnath temple eyes)   (Category: SOUL )

Wisdom Eyes of Buddha (Bodhnath temple eyes)(Soul Identity): Often found painted on the Stupas of Tibetan Buddhism, this symbol represents the all seeing eyes of the Buddha, a symbol of the omnipresent compassion of the Bodhisattvas. The small dot depicted between the eyes represents the third eye, a symbol of spiritual awakening. The curious squiggle between the eyes is the Sanskrit numeral one, symbolizing the unity of all things.


Symbol Code: SM000995     Symbol Name: Hathor (Headdress of Hathor)   (Category: SOUL )

Hathor (Headdress of Hathor)(Soul Identity): An Egyptian hieroglyph representing the headdress of Hathor, a multifaceted goddess of the love, beauty, and fertility. The headdress consists of a sun disk surrounded by horns, the emblem of Hathor’s cow-goddess aspect.
Hathor is equivalent to the Roman Venus and the Greek Aphrodite. She is associated with the Milky Way, and the souls of Egyptian women judged to be worthy were identified with her.
As with the emblem of Venus, Hathor’s sign was often represented as or fashioned into a mirror.


Symbol Code: SM000996     Symbol Name: Kalash (Kalasa)   (Category: SOUL )

Kalash (Kalasa)(Soul Identity): This symbol, depicting a vase covered with leaves, is a representation of the kalash, a Hindu/Jain ritual implement. The kalash is a clay or copper pot filled with water, and topped with mango leaves and a coconut. The kalash has many symbolic meanings- it is the primordial waters of creation, the soul filled with love and compassion, abundance, and hospitality.


Symbol Code: SM000997     Symbol Name: Woodpecker   (Category: SOUL )

Woodpecker(Soul Identity): Woodpeckers are usually the most nuturing of all the Native American animal symbols. The consummate listener, totally empathic and understanding, the Woodpecker is the one to have on your side when you need support. Of course, they make wonderful parents, and equally wonderful friends and partners. Another proverbial feather in the Woodpeckers cap is the tendency to be naturally frugal, resourceful, and organized. In a nurturing environment the Woodpecker is of course caring, devoted, and very romantic. Left to his/her own devices the Woodpecker can be possessive, angry, jealous, and spiteful.


Symbol Code: SM000998     Symbol Name: Salmon   (Category: SOUL )

Salmon(Soul Identity): Electric, focused, intuitive, and wholly creative, the Salmon is a real live-wire. His/her energy is palpable. A natural motivator, the Salmon's confidence and enthusiasm is easily infectious. Soon, everybody is onboard with the Salmon - even if the idea seems too hair-brained to work. Generous, intelligent, and intuitive, it's no wonder why the Salmon has no shortage of friends. This Native American animal symbol expresses a need for purpose and goals, and has no trouble finding volunteers for his/her personal crusades. In a supportive environment, the Salmon is stable, calm, sensual, and giving. Left to his/her own devices, those that bear this Native American animal symbol can be egotistical, vulgar, and intolerant of others.


Symbol Code: SM000999     Symbol Name: Bear   (Category: SOUL )

Bear(Soul Identity): Pragmatic, and methodical the Bear is the one to call when a steady hand is needed. The Bear's practicality and level-headedness makes him/her an excellent business partner. Usually the voice of reason in most scenarios, the Bear is a good balance for Owls. The Bear is also gifted with an enormous heart, and a penchant for generosity. However, one might not know it as the Bear tends to be very modest, and a bit shy. In a loving environment this Native American animal symbol showers love and generosity in return. Further, the Bear has a capacity for patience and temperance, which makes him/her excellent teachers and mentors. Left to his/her own devices the bear can be skeptical, sloth, small-minded and reclusive.


Symbol Code: SM001000     Symbol Name: Butterfly   (Category: SOUL )

ButterflyInterestingly, in many cultures the butterfly is associated with the soul - further linking our animal symbolism of faith with the butterfly.

In Greek myth, Psyche (which literally translates to mean "soul") is represented in the form of a butterfly. Befittingly, Psyche is forever linked with love as she and Eros (the Greek god of love, also known in Roman myth as Cupid) shared an endlessly passionate bond together - both hopelessly in love with the other.


Symbol Code: SM001001     Symbol Name: Spiral   (Category: SOUL )

SpiralIn terms of spirituality, the spiral symbol can represent the path leading from outer consciousness (materialism, external awareness, ego, outward perception) to the inner soul (enlightenment, unseen essence, nirvana, cosmic awareness). Movements between the inner (intuitive, intangible) world and the outer (matter, manifested) world are mapped by the spiraling of archetypal rings; marking the evolution of humankind on both an individual and collective scale.
Moreover, in terms of rebirth or growth, the spiral symbol can represent the consciousness of nature beginning from the core or center and thus expanding outwardly. This is the way of all things, as recognized by most mystics.


Symbol Code: SM001002     Symbol Name: Goose   (Category: SOUL )

Goose(Soul Identity): If you want something done - give it to the Goose. Persevering, dogged, and ambitious to a fault, the Goose sets goals for accomplishment, and always obtains them. The goose is determined to succeed at all cost - not for the approval of other - but those with this Native American animal symbol competes with his/her own internal foe. Driven is the watchword for the Goose's dominating personality trait - which makes them excellent in business and competitive sports. When tempered with supportive, nurturing family and friends, the Goose excels in all things he/she attempts. In a loving environment the Goose can be very passionate, humorous, gregarious, and even sensual. However, lead to his/her own devises, the Goose may fall into obsessive or addictive behaviors that will inevitably be his/her demise.


Symbol Code: SM001003     Symbol Name: Pansy   (Category: SOUL )

Pansy(Soul Identity): Pansies have long been flowers of remembrance. Indeed, they have often been placed upon memorial markers and stones to honor and remember those who are no longer on the physical plane. They are also a symbol of togetherness and union, and perhaps this is why they are so appropriate for remembering those who have passed from our lives. Their beauty is the perfect testimony to the love we have shared with others in the past. Keep pansies around you when you wish to remember the fond memories and kindnesses of loved ones who have passed from this earth.


Symbol Code: SM001004     Symbol Name: Emerald   (Category: SOUL )

EmeraldEmeralds are clarifying agents. When worn or held, they tend to cut through superfluous thoughts and emotions to get down to the core of our purpose and intention. This means the emerald can facilitate clarity of mind so that we may send our best sentiments to our dearly departed. Green emeralds are aligned with the heart chakra, which makes them powerful tools to connecting our hearts with the hearts of those who have transitioned. Emeralds enhance intuition and psychic power. Ideally, these stones may enhance our ability to connect with our loved ones in the spirit realms.


Symbol Code: SM001005     Symbol Name: Amber   (Category: SOUL )

AmberI've always considered stones to be vessels of memories. Amber is the big boss of memory, as it is one of the oldest substances employed by humankind for personal decoration and magical use. In addition to being an elemental symbol of memorial and memory, amber is also imbued with energies such as: Love, devotion, protection and healing. Amber's warm essence can mend wounds of the heart, and mend rifts we may have experienced before our loved ones passed into non-physical. Hold amber close to your heart, and focus on ideals such as healing, peace, mending, nurturing. Amber is closely aligned with the fifth element (aether), which means it is a powerful bridge between physical and spiritual.


Symbol Code: SM001006     Symbol Name: Badger (Ogham = Holly)   (Category: SOUL )

Badger (Ogham = Holly)The badger does a lot of digging, and in esoteric symbolism this links the animal to the earth - a very grounded, nurturing, foundational energy. Furthermore, the burrowing badger is a symbol of magic, because this act is symbolic of returning to the Source. Burrowing into the earth is also akin to returning to the womb in metaphorical symbolism. This connects with the Holly because it is a hearty plant in one of the most brutal seasons - Winter. Holly is the winter king to the Celts, and the badger is equally regal in fierce will to survive (even under the most brutal circumstances). Holly and badger are symbols for survivors and strong will.


Symbol Code: SM001007     Symbol Name: Quail (Ogham = The Rowan)   (Category: SOUL )

Quail (Ogham = The Rowan)Quails have an intricate system of communication, and much of is revolves around avoiding danger. Quails have an uncanny sense of their surroundings, and are masters at eluding predators. They stay grounded, preferring the comfort of tall grasses over open skies. This reminds us to keep ourselves protected. When Quail comes to call, be smart, communicate your hesitation clearly and be mindful to stay out of harm's way.


Symbol Code: SM001008     Symbol Name: Palm Tree   (Category: SOUL )

Palm TreePalms were also strewn out as a red carpet welcoming returning Roman warriors from battle. They are also laid out to welcome returning pilgrims to the Holy Land. In these examples, the palm tree symbolism conjures elements of attainment, welcoming, and all the wonderful qualities we associate with the soul's return to its Source.

As dream symbols, palm trees symbolize our ability to rise above conflict and spread our light brilliantly - letting it shine over the din of petty concerns - rising above disillusionment like the sun itself. Palms in dreams may also be a message for us to resurrect aspects of ourselves. In resurrecting these parts, we become a more whole entity.


Symbol Code: SM001022     Symbol Name: Gorgon (Phorycides, Aegis of Athena)   (Category: SOUL )

Gorgon (Phorycides, Aegis of Athena)The Gorgon were legendary monsters of Greek myth, the three fearsome sisters Medusa, Euryale, and Sthenno, the daughters of sea monsters with fearsome teeth and hair of serpents.
The gorgon Medusa, whose gaze could turn the living to stone, was slain by the hero Perseus, who beheaded her using her reflection in Athena’s shield to avoid looking at her directly. Afterward, her head adorned the shield (Aegis) of the Goddess Athena. Some scholars believe that the Gorgon was once a facet of the goddess Athena herself, in her destructive solar aspect.
The Gorgon’s head is frequently seen in use as a protective device on ancient shields and talismans.


Symbol Code: SM001023     Symbol Name: Star Tarot Card   (Category: SOUL )

Star Tarot CardWhen the Star appears in a reading it indicates that the querent may have been through a rough time and is now entering a time of rejuvination. This card is a message that a time of relaxation is here. Think "spa for the soul." Think breath of fresh air. Also, if the querent has been worried about a situation, this card indicates that he/she is on the right path, and that all things will work out to a happy end. The Star Tarot card meanings ar all about the promise of a better day.


Symbol Code: SM001024     Symbol Name: Ace of Swords Tarot Card   (Category: SOUL )

Ace of Swords Tarot CardThis being the case, we can make a simple assessment that the ace of swords Tarot card meaning is symbolic of uncovering a new way of thinking. Or, cutting away at some old thought to make way for a brighter perspective.

More specifically, the ace of swords is a call to stop fooling ourselves and look into the crux of the matters of our soul. The ace of swords is bright and brassy. There is no room for excuses with this card, and it demands full honesty of the querent in a reading.


Symbol Code: SM001025     Symbol Name: Salamanders   (Category: SOUL )

SalamandersParticularly the fiery orange-red kind, or fire-belly breeds. These creatures were said to be carriers of fire. Medieval legend indicates salamanders had the ability to light bonfires. More than their smoldering coloration, salamanders are also symbolic of rebirth because they can regenerate tails and toes. The summer solstice is also a time of renewal. Take a cue from the salamander, get your soul-fires flickering and let them renew you from the inside out.


Symbol Code: SM001026     Symbol Name: Summer Solstice   (Category: SOUL )

Summer SolsticeThis is symbolic of the light of our consciousness shining more brightly in our awareness.
It's also symbolic passion, desire and sensuality burning more intensely within the hearts of both humankind and animal kin. The sun is a warming entity, so it fires our passions and heats up our hearts to the potential of life that abounds.
This is a high time to celebrate the bounty fueled by life-giving solar rays. And celebrate it now while the time is neigh, becauseafter the summer solstice, each moment of light recedes a bit more, leaving each a day a smidge darker than the last.


Symbol Code: SM001078     Symbol Name: Goose   (Category: SOUL )

GooseNo discussion of this type can overlook the presence of Mother Goose in nursery rhyme and collective myth. Geese are notorious for protecting their younglings and can be vicious if they feel their brood is in danger. These creatures show strong familial bonds with their entire clan. Indeed, if a mother is struggling, one or two clan members will stay with her even when the rest of the group begins their migration. The members will not leave a family member in need behind. The goose is a beautiful example of how it takes a village to raise the bar on social responsibility within youth and community.


Symbol Code: SM001079     Symbol Name: Swallow   (Category: SOUL )

SwallowThe swallow is symbolic of hope, fertility and renewal of life. Another symbol of the love goddess, Venus, the Roman's believed it was extremely unlucky to harm a swallow. Further, the Roman's believed the swallow to be a totem bird to mothers in sorrow as it was said the swallow embodied all the young, innocent's who died during childbirth.


Symbol Code: SM001080     Symbol Name: Bobcat   (Category: SOUL )

BobcatThe Bobcat is a very advanced teacher. Those with the Bobcat animal totem are usually young with old souls. Often these people are mistaken for having "chips on their shoulders," or thought to be "bearing grudges." This often isn't the case.
Bobcat serves as a teacher to these younger people because they have so much to philosophically sort out. These people do this on a higher level of intellect, and often cannot find outside support to help them with their learning process. As a result, these old souls tend to feel a little resentful at having to learn some tough lessons on their own, and usually feel isolated.


Symbol Code: SM001081     Symbol Name: Rose Symbolism in Tarot   (Category: SOUL )

Rose Symbolism in TarotRoses are often associated with magic, and so seeing its bright blossoms in the Magician card is fitting. Ancient orders, occult groups, theosophical branches of all kinds hailed the rose as a secret symbol of unfolding wisdom. With delicate prompting, the rose unwraps its luscious layers to reveal the heart-center of profound beauty. It's the same with the human soul. Spiritual groups of all ages recognized this. In fact, the Rose is often considered the "lotus of the west" because it reminds the observer of the sweet smell of illumination. Indeed, in alchemy, the rose is symbolic of the spirit that grows within each of us when proper care and attention is applied.


Symbol Code: SM001082     Symbol Name: Dolphin   (Category: SOUL )

DolphinChristian symbolism conveys the dolphin as an aspect of Christ. Dolphins seen in Christian art are symbolic of resurrection. Some artists utilize the protective, stabilizing, compassionate demeanor of the dolphin as a message of wellbeing to the pure of heart. Some artistic renditions speak of dolphins transporting the spirits of the faithful to Christ's side upon leaving their physical bodies.
This dolphin meaning is mimicked in ancient Greece where legend tells us the dolphin was responsible for carrying the souls of the dead to the Islands of the Blessed.


Symbol Code: SM001134     Symbol Name: Meadowseet Flower   (Category: SOUL )

Meadowseet FlowerAmong other floral essences, Meadowsweet was used to create the beautiful Blodeuwedd. A good look at this flower, and it's a no-brainer to see why. Lovely, delicate, soft and subtle - all the good stuff that Gwydion & Math wanted in a lady for Lleu. The symbolism of the Meadowsweet mainly deals with grace, refinement and elegance. Other names for Meadowsweet include: "Lady of the Meadow" and "Brideswort," the latter because it is a frequent bouquet of choice at weddings. In fact, Meadowsweet was sought after flower for marriage ceremonies in ancient Europe. In the tale of Blodeuwedd, this is symbolic of the intent for harmonious union between she and Lleu. The primary symbolic feature I pick up from Meadowsweet is that of honor and cherish. Not just because of its history in wedding chapels, but also because this fair flower has been found in several funerary remains of ancient Celtic burial sites. This ranks the Meadowsweet high on the symbolic list of honor, commemoration and gentle acknowledgement of fine attributes of the human soul.


Symbol Code: SM001135     Symbol Name: Streets/Roads   (Category: SOUL )

Streets/RoadsDream meaning of streets and roads meander in our minds when we are on a specific path. Dream streets may point to a destination after a long, arduous trek in our personal evolution. They may also indicate a philosophical/spiritual journey we've embarked upon. In this case, the condition of our dream streets will clue us in on our progress in our spiritual walk. Streets also point to navigation, a message we may need to check in, or stop and get directions or help in our current situation.


Symbol Code: SM001136     Symbol Name: Clouds   (Category: SOUL )

CloudsThey are the macrocosm of thought. The moisture (rain) they hold is the macrocosm of emotion. So, clouds in dreams talk to us about the balance between our analytical (thought processing) mind and our touchy-feely emotions. Dark clouds hint to a brooding nature, perhaps a situation in which we have dark feelings about something, but are unable to (mentally, constructively) express these feelings. Bright puffy clouds indicates a healthy disposition, a hopeful outlook and a state of well-being.



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