Symbol Code: SM000582 Symbol Name: Eight-pointed Star (Rub el Hizb, Seal of Melchizedek) (Category: Renunciation )
| The particular eight-pointed star (or octogram) pictured here is unusual in that it has multiple meanings, depending on context. The original emblem of two overlapping squares, often with a circular ornament, is called a rub el hisb (Arabic, quarter-group), an ornament used to mark the end of passages in the Q’uran. This symbol, like all symbols related to Islam, is not official nor heavily symbolic.
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Symbol Code: SM000583 Symbol Name: Oshe Shango (Oshe Chango, Dance Axe) (Category: Renunciation )
| A variation of the oshe Shango, a symbolic double-bladed axe representing the divine weapon of the Yoruban Orisha Shango (Also spelled Chango, Xango).Shango was once a Yoruban king, now the Orisha of thunder, drums, and dance. He is one of the Seven African Powers, revered in Santeria, Candomble, and Palo. Shango is syncretised with the catholic Saint Barbara in the Lukumi religion (Santeria)
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Symbol Code: SM000584 Symbol Name: Bees, Beehives (Category: Renunciation )
| Humanity has always had a close relationship with bees, whose honey has have been a food staple since before the dawn of civilization. As a symbol, the bees’ lifestyle mimics that of the human social order- a cooperative, productive social hierarchy.In fact, beekeeping is one of the earliest markers of civilized society- bees provided many of the necessities of advancement, providing not only food, but wax for metalworking, cosmetics, and medicines, as well as the ever-important pollinization of fruit trees and other food crops.
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Symbol Code: SM000585 Symbol Name: Camargue Cross (Cross of the Cowherds) (Category: Renunciation )
| The Camargue Cross is the emblem of the church of Saints Maries-des-la-mer* in Camargue, in the South of France. This unusual cross is composed of three emblems, an anchor, a cross, and a heart, traditional emblems of the three cardinal virtues of hope, faith, and charity, respectively.The unusual shape of the upper cross is representative of the trident-shaped tool used by the Gardians, the ubiquitous bull-herders (cowboys) who make up a large part of Camargue’s cultural legacy. The anchor does double duty, symbolizing the fishermen of the region.
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Symbol Code: SM000586 Symbol Name: Immaculate Heart of Mary (Sacred Heart of Mary, Sorrowful Heart of Mary) (Category: Renunciation )
| The Immaculate Heart of Mary represents the Virgin Mary as “Mother of Sorrows,’ the grieving mother, regarded as a symbol of deep compassion for humanity.The heart of Mary is a very old form of Catholic devotion, with many layers of symbolism. Much of the present symbolism of the heart and its attendant devotions are derived from Marian apparitions- appearances of the Virgin in the visions of Saints and devotees. The devotions are traced to St.s Anselm and Bernard of Clairvaux in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, and popularised in the seventeenth century by Saint Jean Eudes.
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Symbol Code: SM000587 Symbol Name: The Angel Moroni (Category: Renunciation )
| The image of the Angel Moroni serves as a ubiquitous, if unofficial, emblem of the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons). According to the Book of Mormon, Moroni was the son of Mormon, the last Nephite* military leader and prophet who completed and concealed the Book of Mormon. Upon his death, according to LDS theology, Moroni was resurrected and became an angelic messenger.It was Moroni who appeared to the LDS founder Joseph Smith, and revealed to him the location of the hidden scripture.
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