"Be an Angel with Divine Powers"
Sacred Symbols On Divinity
Symbol Code: SM000029     Symbol Name: The Sunflower   (Category: Divinity )

The Sunflower(Divine Garden): This diagram illustrates a curious experiment in plant magnetism reproduced with several other experiments in Athanasius Kircher’s rare volume on magnetism.Several plants were sacred to the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Hindus because of the peculiar effect which the sun exerted over them. As it is difficult for man to look upon the face of the sun without being blinded by the light, those plants which turned and deliberately faced the solar orb were considered typical of very highly advanced souls. Since the sun was regarded as the personification of the Supreme Deity, those forms of life over which it exercised marked influence were venerated as being sacred to Divinity. The sunflower, because of its plainly perceptible affinity for the sun, was given high rank among sacred plants.


Symbol Code: SM000030     Symbol Name: The 72 Names of God   (Category: Divinity )

The 72 Names of God(Divine Garden): This rare cut shows the name of God in seventy-two languages inscribed upon the petals of a symbolic sunflower. Above the circle are the seventy-two powers of God according to the Hebrew Kabbalah. Below are two trees, that on the left bearing the symbols of the planets and that on the right the signs of the zodiac and the names of the tribes of Israel. The esoteric doctrines of the Kabbalah are in alignment with the secret teachings of all the schools of philosophy, but the method by which its secrets are revealed to the wise and concealed from the ignorant is most unusual.


Symbol Code: SM000126     Symbol Name: Ke-Ao Lanihuli   (Category: Divinity )

Ke-Ao Lanihuli(Divine Light): meaning: "The light from the heavens to overturn old conditions bringing enlightenment."

use: This symbol brings in the light from the heavens to reverse old conditions. The light also cleanses and purifies the entire person - the three selves and their bodies.


Symbol Code: SM000127     Symbol Name: Uli-Nana-Hewa   (Category: Divinity )

Uli-Nana-Hewa(Divine Light): meaning: "Right, peaceful serene flame."

use: This symbol is used when you need heavier, or denser Mana to clear a specific condition. The Mana that comes in with this symbol is not as peaceful as Uli Nana Pono, and it is for conditions which are more dense. If you use Uli Nana Hewa in meditation, always follow it with Uli Nana Pono. Uli-nana-Hewa is the goddess who watches over all the things


Symbol Code: SM000128     Symbol Name: Allah   (Category: Divinity )

AllahCalligraphic rendering of the name Allah (God). The Islamic faith’s proscription against idolatry forbids pictorial renderings of living things, which lead to a tradition of ornate calligraphy to depict divine names and concepts.


Symbol Code: SM000157     Symbol Name: Common Native American Sun Symbol   (Category: Divinity )

Common Native American Sun Symbol(Divine Light): This is one of the most common symbols among all Native American Indian tribes. You will note this particular sun design has seven rays. Each ray represents the seven energy centers within human beings, and also the development of each of these energy centers. This symbol identifies the healing arts, and represents a peace-loving person. It also signifies the transitional power behind an entity who is evolved enough to radiate internal light outward in the environment.


Symbol Code: SM000158     Symbol Name: Navajo Sun Symbol   (Category: Divinity )

Navajo Sun Symbol(Divine Light): Circular Feather Arrangements are found in the artwork of the Plains Indians. This design is Navajo. These symbols are used to record war stories or heroic events. However, they are also related to the sun and directly connected to creation.


Symbol Code: SM000159     Symbol Name: Hopi Sun Symbol   (Category: Divinity )

Hopi Sun Symbol(Divine Light): A symbol of creative and natural energy. The supreme god due to the Hopi's dependence upon it for the growth of corn, and other sustaining crops. The sun symbol represents the heart of the cosmos and deals with vitality, growth, and passion.


Symbol Code: SM000160     Symbol Name: Mayan Sun Symbol   (Category: Divinity )

Mayan Sun Symbol(Divine Light): A Mayan symbol of ascension, clarity and awareness. Focus upon this symbol facilitates enlightenment. The sun was highly regarded by the Mayan civilization. It brought about high yielding crops, and the sun appeared during time of greatest productivity. Internally, the sun brings about philosophical productivity. Bringing the sun into our meditations warms our consciousness, and allows our divinity to blossom.


Symbol Code: SM000200     Symbol Name: Methodist Cross and Flame   (Category: Divinity )

Methodist Cross and Flame(Divine Thirst): The Cross and Flame is the official symbol of The United Methodist Church, adopted in 1968. The cross symbolizes Christ; the flame, the Holy Spirit of Pentecost. The dual flames together with the cross symbolize the trinity.


Symbol Code: SM000201     Symbol Name: Orans Gesture   (Category: Divinity )

Orans Gesture(Divine Thirst): The orans (latin, prayer) gesture is an ancient mode of prayer common to many ancient religions. It is performed standing, elbows bent or at the side, with arms uplifted and palms upward- a gesture of supplication or pleading.
The orans position was widely used in early Christian prayer, but was gradually replaced by the submissive gesture in the laity, although it has been in continual use by priests of the Roman Catholic faith during the celebration of the Mass and other priestly offices. It has been in continual use by both clergy and laity in the Eastern Orthodox Church.
The gesture is also gaining new popularity in many charismatic evangelical churches, where it considered more joyful and uplifting.


Symbol Code: SM000202     Symbol Name: Christogram (Blessing)   (Category: Divinity )

Christogram (Blessing)(Divine Thirst): This is a gesture known as the Christogram, and is considered the original “sign of the cross.” The fingers are positioned to form the Greek letters ICXC, an abbreviation of the Greek name of Christ: IHCOYC XRICTOC. This gesture is ubiquitous in Renaissance images of Christ and the apostles, as well as in portraits of Saints and clergy.
The Christogram is used today as a traditional gesture of blessing by priests in the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Curiously, the same gesture is known in Hindu and Buddhist traditions as the prana mudra, a symbol of healing.
Hans Memling, Christ blessing


Symbol Code: SM000203     Symbol Name: Mudras   (Category: Divinity )

MudrasAt left is a representation of a Mudra, or sign of power, used in the Buddhist and Hindu religions. Each hand position represents a different spiritual truth; they are used during meditation, on statuary, and in sacred dance, often in conjunction with asanas, or body-postures.
There are 108 standard mudras used in Tantric ritual. Some of the better known mudras include the abhaya or “no fear” gesture, the dhyana or “meditation” mudra, and the Vitarka mudra, which resembles the christogram.
Such gestures are not exclusive to eastern religions; hand gestures with spiritual meaning are found in many religions.


Symbol Code: SM000204     Symbol Name: Dancing Shiva   (Category: Divinity )

Dancing ShivaA popular image of the Hindu deity Shiva. The dance of Shiva is symbolic of the dynamic forces of creation and destruction, and the harmonious balance of opposites. Most images of the dancing Shiva depict him with four arms, which represent the four cardinal directions of space, and are symbolic of Shiva’s omnipresence. In each hand, the figure holds a different symbolic object or makes a meaningful gesture. A drum represents the sound of creation.
A gesture (Abhaya) means “do not be afraid.” A gesture toward the lifted right foot is symbolic of release from the cycles of death and rebirth. Another hand holds a flame, which is the essence of creation and destruction. The small figure under Shiva’s feet is the body of the dwarf Purusha (forgetfulness), who is symbolic of man’s inertia, the ignorance which must be overcome for spiritual liberation. The circle of flames surrounding the figure denotes the universe in its entirety.


Symbol Code: SM000220     Symbol Name: Jizo, Jizou (Ksitigarbha)   (Category: Divinity )

Jizo, Jizou (Ksitigarbha)(Divine Thirst): A fairly typical image of Jizo, a Japanese form of the Buddhist Bodhisattva* (Bosatsu) Ksitigarbha. He is depicted throughout Asia as a simple, childlike monk, but he is especially venerated in Japan as a protector of the souls of children and the unborn. It is common to see Jizo figures all over Japan, especially along roadsides and paths. Offerings are left with the icons, most commonly caps or bibs, flowers, and stones, often pleas to reduce the suffering of children. Jizo’s staff (shakujo) is a traditional monk’s walking stick, hung with metal rings, ostensibly to warn away animals on the road for the mutual protection of man and creature alike.
*A Bodhisattva (Sanskrit, “essence of enlightenment”) is a highly spiritually developed being who stops short of Buddhahood in order to aid others in attaining enlightenment.


Symbol Code: SM000256     Symbol Name: The Circle   (Category: Divinity )

The CircleThe circle reflected represents the dyad, the introduction of duality, and represents creation and manifestation. The symbol of the dyad is known as the ‘vesica pisces,’ or fish bladder, because it appears as a fish. The equal armed solar cross is another universal symbol, which can be found in every culture with a knowledge of the passage of time. It is the first truly theological emblem, marking not only the points of the solar calendar, but the juxtaposition of the realm of the material with the realm of the divine.


Symbol Code: SM000257     Symbol Name: The Cross   (Category: Divinity )

The CrossThe cross is in this case actuality two separate signs-
First, a vertical axis, representing man, the body, and our upright posture, which is unique in the animal kingdom. The vertical line symbolizes the path from earth to heaven and the realm of spirit, symbolizing the dual nature of man, who embodies the spiritual and the temporal. The vertical axis equates directly to the human spine and to the tree of life, as well as to the axis mundi, the great pole around which the constellations of the zodiac revolve. These seemingly disparate ideas share a common idea- they link the earth and heavens. Thus is the concept of the connection between earth and heaven established- and also the divinity of man, who alone is built on this axis.


Symbol Code: SM000258     Symbol Name: The Downward Pointing Triangle   (Category: Divinity )

The Downward Pointing TriangleThe downward pointing triangle is sometimes referred to as the chalice. It is the symbol of water (as it flows downward), the grace of heaven, and the womb. it is one of the most ancient symbols of female divinity, as a representation of the genitalia of the goddess.


Symbol Code: SM000259     Symbol Name: Shenu as cartouche   (Category: Divinity )

Shenu as cartoucheThe Shen is a hieroglyphic representation of a coiled rope. It dates back to ancient Mesopotamia, where it was an emblem of divinity: The shen is often found in depictions of Egyptian deities, pharaohs, and other important persons.
Where it appears surrounding a name, it signifies that the person named is under divine protection, and is called a shenu:


Symbol Code: SM000260     Symbol Name: Winged Sun Disk   (Category: Divinity )

Winged Sun DiskThe winged disk emblem is found in many ancient cultures around the world. The winged sun disk is one of the oldest religious symbols on earth, and it is invariably a solar symbol.

The Egyptian figure pictured above is called Behedti, with the wings of Horus, and represents the omnipotence of the sun God Re, and the divinity of the Pharaoh.


Symbol Code: SM000442     Symbol Name: Shofar   (Category: Divinity )

Shofar(Divine Sound): The Shofar is a musical instrument, usually created from a ram’s horn (or that of any kosher animal), used by the ancient Hebrews in war and during events of special significance. The shofar is the legendary horn that “blew down the walls of Jericho,” allowing the wandering Hebrews to take the city.
The shofar is blown to signal the beginning of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, the most important feast day in the Jewish religious calendar. The shofar is blown 100 times in a specially prescribed manner to commemorate the Holy Day. The shofar is also blown at the outset of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, as directed in the Book of Leviticus.


Symbol Code: SM000443     Symbol Name: Virgin of Guadalupe (Our Lady of Guadalupe)   (Category: Divinity )

Virgin of Guadalupe (Our Lady of Guadalupe)(Divine Sound): The Virgin of Guadalupe is one of many “Marian apparitions” or ‘miraculous’ manifestations of the Virgin Mary, an icon of the Roman Catholic Church. She is especially venerated in Mexico, where she is said to have appeared to the impoverished native
farmer Juan Diego in the early sixteenth century. According to legend, as Juan was on his way to mass one morning, he was distracted by the sound of music emanating from nearby Tepeyac hill, some say in the location of a shrine to the Aztec goddess Tonantzin.


Symbol Code: SM000444     Symbol Name: Enochian Alphabet   (Category: Divinity )

Enochian AlphabetThe Enochian alphabet is the magical language Renaissance philosopher and mathematician John Dee reportedly received from Angelic messengers through medium Edward Kelley in the late sixteenth century. Dee noted in his diaries that the letters represented the order of man’s creation. Although Dee himself referred to the alphabet as “Adamic,” the alphabet was eventually named for the Biblical prophet Enoch.


Symbol Code: SM000445     Symbol Name: Mandrake (Mandragora)   (Category: Divinity )

Mandrake (Mandragora)A typical medieval rendering of the mandrake. The mandrake has a lengthy history as a magical plant. Known from ancient times for its anesthetic properties, mandrake is mentioned in the book of Genesis as an aphrodisiac, used by Rachel to conceive a son. Mandrake was sought after by alchemists, and used as an ingredient in numerous magic ‘potions.’ Many myths and legends surround the plant, which was said to resemble a naked human body. Among the many superstitions surrounding the mandrake was the belief that the plant was propagated by the blood of the condemned, and would grow underneath the gallows. It was believed even from ancient times that the plant gave out a such deafening scream when uprooted that a man could be rendered insensible or even killed by the sound. For this reason, dogs were often employed to secure the plant.


Symbol Code: SM000446     Symbol Name: Keys of St. Peter   (Category: Divinity )

Keys of St. PeterThe image at right represents the Keys of St. Peter, an emblem of the Catholic Church which represents the divine authority invested in the apostle Peter before the death of Christ. As such, they are emblems of papal authority in the Catholic church.
A symbol that appears frequently in Christian art and in the arms of the Popes, the crossed keys were formerly an emblem of the Roman God Janus and the Mithraic Zurvan, both gods of time and keepers of doorways, and removers of obstacles.
It is this symbolism that led to the folk legend of Peter as the bureaucratic keeper of the “pearly gates”of heaven.


Symbol Code: SM000447     Symbol Name: Misseltoe   (Category: Divinity )

MisseltoeMistletoe was held sacred to the sun to the Norse and the Celts of Europe, whose beliefs about the magical virtues of mistletoe survived into the Christian era. It was for this reason that England’s churches banned its use within their walls.
Fortunately for hopeful romantics, the prohibition didn’t stick.


Symbol Code: SM000448     Symbol Name: Rece Boga (Hands of God)   (Category: Divinity )

Rece Boga (Hands of God)A slavic solar cross, fashioned after a design found on and Iron Age burial urn in Poland. Dubbed rece Boga, or “hands of god,” the symbol has been adopted as a symbol of Polish national pride and an emblem of Slavic Neopaganism.


Symbol Code: SM000449     Symbol Name: Odin’s Horn (Triple horn, Horned triskele)   (Category: Divinity )

Odin’s Horn (Triple horn, Horned triskele)The Triple Horn of Odin is a stylized emblem of the Norse God Odin. This symbol consists of three interlocked drinking horns, and is commonly worn or displayed as a sign of commitment to the modern Asatru faith. The horns figure in the mythological stories of Odin and are recalled in traditional Norse toasting rituals. Most stories involve the God’s quest for the Odhroerir, a magical mead brewed from the blood of the wise god Kvasir.


Symbol Code: SM000450     Symbol Name: Thor’s Hammer (Mjolnir)   (Category: Divinity )

Thor’s Hammer (Mjolnir)This Mjolnir, or Thor’s Hammer, is an ancient Norse symbol, a stylized representation of the legendary magical weapon of the Norse God Thor. “Mjolnir” means “lightning,” and symbolized the God’s power over Thunder and Lightning. The Hammer Mjolnir was said to always return after it had been thrown.
The Thor’s Hammer amulet was worn frequently by believers as a symbol of protection- a practice so popular it continued even after most of the Norse population had converted to Christianity. In modern times, is often used as an emblem of recognition for members of the Asatru faith, and as a symbol of Norse heritage.


Symbol Code: SM000451     Symbol Name: Indalo (Mojacar Man)   (Category: Divinity )

Indalo (Mojacar Man)Indalo is an ancient Andalusian symbol. The original image, dating from Neolithic times, can still be seen in the “Cave of the Signboards” at Almeria, in Southern Spain. He appears as the figure of a man carrying a rainbow between his hands, alongside figures of animals, horned men, and a number of odd symbols.
The name Indalo is derived from the latin phrase “Indal Eccius,” or “Messenger of the Gods.”


Symbol Code: SM000452     Symbol Name: Bird Man Symbol   (Category: Divinity )

Bird Man SymbolThe Bird Man symbol featured strongly in the Mississippian culture. The bird man was believed to be a supernatural deity who resided in the Upperworld with the spirits of the Sun, Moon and Stars. A Bird Man therefore represented the Upperworld, order, and light and bird man dancers would perform in ceremonies supplicating the spirits of the Upperworld. The link between the Upperworld (heaven) and the earth was the sky and the bird man was able to move between the two realms as messengers to the gods. The bird man was portrayed in the guise of an eagle, hawk or falcon. These birds were all strong, high flying predators.


Symbol Code: SM000453     Symbol Name: Brothers Symbol   (Category: Divinity )

Brothers SymbolThe Brothers symbol featured in the ancient Mississippian culture of North America, the culture of the Mound Builders. The Mound Builders associated great mystical value to Brothers, especially twin brothers, who strongly featured in their myths and legends.
An Ideagram is another form of pictogram which conveys complex ideas, feelings and emotions. A pictogram, such as the one recognised as a Brothers symbol, is a therefore a form of writing which uses representational, pictorial drawings to tell a story.


Symbol Code: SM000454     Symbol Name: Falcon Symbol   (Category: Divinity )

Falcon SymbolThe Falcon was believed to be a supernatural deity who resided in the Upperworld with the spirits of the Sun, Moon and Stars. A Falcon therefore represented the Upperworld, order, and light and Falcon dancers would perform in ceremonies supplicating the spirits of the Upperworld. The link between the Upperworld (heaven) and the earth was the sky and the Falcon was able to move between the two realms as messengers to the gods. The Falcon was portrayed as a strong, high flying predators. The Mississippians used dances, gestures and sounds as symbolic powers and wore ceremonial clothes and carried sacred objects and weapons to symbolize their power.


Symbol Code: SM000455     Symbol Name: Feathers Symbol   (Category: Divinity )

Feathers SymbolThe symbolic meaning of different feathers and the purpose that they were used for varied from tribe to tribe, however, in all tribes certain feathers were revered. The meaning of the feathers symbol signified honor & connected the user with the Creator.


Symbol Code: SM000456     Symbol Name: Four Ages of Man Symbol   (Category: Divinity )

Four Ages of Man SymbolThe meaning of the Four Ages of Man symbol signifies the milestones in a person's life. Their birth and infancy, their youth and adolescence, their maturity in Middle Age and their wisdom in their old age. A Sioux Indian legend recounts that the buffalo represents the universe and the four directions. Because they stand on four legs, they represent the four ages of man. Each buffalo with a severed leg represents one of the ages of man has passed. When the buffalo loses all his legs and all of his hair an end time will come and water will cover the Earth.


Symbol Code: SM000457     Symbol Name: Great Spirit Symbol   (Category: Divinity )

Great Spirit SymbolThe meaning of the Great Spirit symbol was to signify the divine power that created the world. The Great Spirit was the principal deity in the religion of many Native American peoples. A reference name for God. Names for the Great Spirit are given by some Indian tribes. 'Gitchi Manitou' is the name given by Algonquian speaking tribes. 'Wakan Tanka' is the name given by the Sioux which translates as the Great Mystery.


Symbol Code: SM000458     Symbol Name: Dragonfly Symbol   (Category: Divinity )

Dragonfly SymbolThe meaning of the Dragonfly symbol was to signify happiness, speed and purity. The dragonfly also represents transformation and life's ever constant process of change. The dragonfly is a long tailed, four winged insect that inhabit the waters and wetlands of North America, as do many snakes. This symbolism is based on the life of a dragonfly which in first year or more of their lives, they live in the water as nymphs. They then metamorphose, change, into the flying creature we recognize as the dragonfly. The Southwest Indian culture use the term "snake doctor" in reference to a legend that dragonflies follow snakes around and stitch them back together if they are injured.


Symbol Code: SM000459     Symbol Name: Drum Symbol   (Category: Divinity )

Drum SymbolThe meaning of the Drum symbol was to signify the heartbeat of mother earth. American Indian drums were of great influence and importance, they are used in various ways to interact with a higher power known to most as the Great Spirit. The drum plays an intricate part in the rituals and ceremonies of the Indians.


Symbol Code: SM000460     Symbol Name: The Deer Track Symbol   (Category: Divinity )

The Deer Track SymbolThe meaning of the Deer Track symbol was to signify the presence of deer in the area and indicate where they had been found, or the direction they were taking. The deer track symbol also symbolized safety, prosperity, and shelter. The deer was important to many Indian tribes as it provided a good means of sustenance providing food and clothing for the tribe.


Symbol Code: SM000461     Symbol Name: Hand Symbol   (Category: Divinity )

Hand SymbolThe Hand symbolized human life and this sign was believed to channel energy to the wearer. War paint in the form of various symbols, such as the hand symbol, were applied to intimidate their enemies when going into battle or during warfare - this where the term "War Paint" was originally derived. The hand symbol also represents spiritual power, strength, domination and protection. The process of applying war paint provided strong mental preparation for the forthcoming battle. Medicine Men sometimes chose certain markings for warriors, like the hand symbol, and powerful magic was passed on during the application of the war paint, such as the hand symbol, helping the warrior to believe himself to be invincible.


Symbol Code: SM000548     Symbol Name: Chakras   (Category: Divinity )

Chakras(Divine Breath): Chakra in Hindu means “wheel.” In Buddhist, Jain, and Hindu beliefs, Chakras are vital energy centers in the body. Located in the nerve ganglia along the spine, they are conceived as spinning vortices channeling cosmic energy. Blockages or interruptions of the flow of this energy is believed to cause illness, confusion, and emotional difficulty. Traditions differ about the total number of chakras, but most agree that seven are the most potent-Muladhara, or root chakra, located at the base of the spine- it controls the ‘animal’ body- involuntary functions like breathing, instinct, survival.


Symbol Code: SM000549     Symbol Name: Sma Amulet (Sema)   (Category: Divinity )

Sma Amulet (Sema)(Divine Breath): The Sma represented the union of the kingdoms of upper and lower Egypt, and occasionally stood in for the axis mundi, or earth-axis. It is described variously as the lungs and attached windpipe, or genitals in sexual union, and appears to have been depicted as both at times- the double meaning is certainly intentional. An emblem of rulership, the sma was placed on the chest of a mummy to give it breath (life) in the underworld.


Symbol Code: SM000614     Symbol Name: Sparrow   (Category: Divinity )

Sparrow(Divine Revelation): Symbolic Sparrow meaning:, Joy, Inclusion, Creativity, Simplicity, Protection, Community, Productivity, Friendliness. Sparrows gain power and protection in numbers. Always in a large group, they move about in groups, eat in groups, and feel safest and most content in groups. This is intimidating to many would-be predators. The Sparrow teaches us there can be safety in numbers.
The Sparrow is always vigilant of his goals. She is always working for her food, foraging and building her nests, and gathering food for her babies. She is Fastidious and productive, the Sparrow reminds us that idle hands/minds should be avoided and this will ensure we live a full, healthy life.


Symbol Code: SM000615     Symbol Name: Eyeglasses   (Category: Divinity )

Eyeglasses(Divine Revelation): Dream symbol meaning for Eyeglasses deals with how you see things in your world. If you are wearing Eyeglasses in your dream it is a symbol of moderation, balance, and virtue. If you've lost your Eyeglasses, you are going need to be aware of lies being told in your life, and some unsolved mysteries may be coming your way. If you dream of Eyeglasses by themselves, it may mean you have a distorted view of your world and surroundings at this time.


Symbol Code: SM000616     Symbol Name: Griffin   (Category: Divinity )

Griffin(Divine Revelation): The Griffin is a legendary creature with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. The Griffin was thought to be an especially powerful and majestic creature. In antiquity it was a symbol of divine power and a guardian of the divine. In celtic traditions the griffin symbol was synonimous with strength.


Symbol Code: SM000617     Symbol Name: Spider   (Category: Divinity )

Spider(Divine Revelation): The meaning of Spider in India is associated with Maya. The term Maya comes from the Sanskrit root "Ma" which means no form or limit. The term Maya describes the illusory nature of appearances. The Spider’s association with Maya brings about the understanding that not all things are as they appear to be. The Spider symbol meaning in Egypt, is akin to Neith, a complex deity usually depicted with arrows as she is associated with hunting. Along with hunting, she is also associated with the creation, specifically the process of recreation in the dawning and dusking of each day.


Symbol Code: SM000618     Symbol Name: Orchid   (Category: Divinity )

Orchid(Divine Revelation): Emblematic of fertility, this flower encourages plenty of progeny. Also a symbol of perfection, abundance, and higher growth, when we focus on the endless loveliness of this flower we are able to open the flow of exotic beauty and prosperity in our lives.


Symbol Code: SM000619     Symbol Name: Neo-Nazi Triskele (777)   (Category: Divinity )

Neo-Nazi Triskele (777)(Divine Revelation): The Neo-Nazi triskele is a symbol resembling a three armed swastika, used by several “Christian” white supremacy organizations and other hate groups. The arms are numerals, “777,” numbers derived from the Book of Revelation symbolizing triumph over the Antichrist.


Symbol Code: SM000620     Symbol Name: Lion of Judah   (Category: Divinity )

Lion of Judah(Divine Revelation): Taken from the heraldic symbol of the biblical Tribe of Judah (from which Selassie is believed to have descended), the lion represents to Rastafarians Selassie as the “King of Kings,” as the lion is King; representing the lineage of the King from the Tribes of Israel. The emblem was once worn by the Emperor as a signet.


Symbol Code: SM000621     Symbol Name: Alpha and Omega   (Category: Divinity )

Alpha and Omega(Divine Revelation): The alpha and omega as symbols of eternity pre-existed Christianity, the letters are commonly found in similar context in the pagan mysteries. The omega itself is an ancient symbol of the goddess Ishtar, and originally represented her head-dress (and later that of the goddess Hathor), while the alpha is derived from the ox-horn headdress ascribed to a series of male deities and divine kings.


Symbol Code: SM000622     Symbol Name: Golden Dawn Rose Cross Lamen   (Category: Divinity )

Golden Dawn Rose Cross Lamen(Divine Revelation): The Rose Cross Lamen was the most important teaching symbol of the outer order of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an eighteenth century magical society. It has been said to contain all of the knowledge of the order in its complex symbolism. Based on the Rosicrucian Rose cross, it is a kabbalistic glyph-essentially, a tree of life- containing a number of formulas, among them all of the “King scale” colors assigned by the GD to the Tree of Life, the four alchemical elements, and the planets of the zodiac.


Symbol Code: SM000623     Symbol Name: Lamb   (Category: Divinity )

Lamb(Divine Revelation): The Lamb most often represents Christ, symbolism drawn from numerous references in scripture. (John 1:29: Behold the Lamb of God) When the lamb is pictured with Jesus, as in “good shepherd” poses, it represents man as redeemed sinner. When the lamb bears a cruciform banner, it represents John the Baptist as the first to recognize the “lamb of God.”


Symbol Code: SM000624     Symbol Name: Dolphin   (Category: Divinity )

Dolphin(Divine Revelation): The dolphin is a very ancient Christian symbol, and is drawn from earlier Greek and Roman symbolism. The dolphin was traditionally regarded as a psychopomp, leading souls to safety, and in this sense came to represent the church as guide of souls into paradise.


Symbol Code: SM000625     Symbol Name: The Phoenix   (Category: Divinity )

The Phoenix(Divine Revelation): The phoenix has been a symbol of Christianity from the very first century, when it was used on jewelry, amulets, and inscribed on tombstones. As the phoenix was long rumored to continually renew itself through death and rebirth, it was a perfect emblem of the resurrection and the promise of eternal life.


Symbol Code: SM000626     Symbol Name: Palm   (Category: Divinity )

Palm(Divine Revelation): The palm-branch of victory is a very early symbol of Christianity; its image often accompanied martyrs to symbolize their “victory” over earthly temptations and misery. The palm was in long use by the Romans as an emblem of victory before Christianization and carried over. The leaves of the palm also figured in the New Testament, carried by the crowd who met Jesus upon his” triumphal entry” into Jerusalem.


Symbol Code: SM000627     Symbol Name: Reed   (Category: Divinity )

Reed(Divine Revelation): The reed is one of the emblems of the Passion, the instrument by which the sponge soaked with vinegar was administered to Christ on the cross. The reed is also an emblem of John the Baptist, an emblem of his baptismal ministry at the river Jordan.


Symbol Code: SM000628     Symbol Name: Olive   (Category: Divinity )

Olive(Divine Revelation): The olive is symbolic of fertility and abundance, of hope and new beginnings, and, of course, peace. The olive tree is mentioned numerous times in the old testament, as olives were a staple crop for the Hebrews. The olive branch as a symbol of peace stems from the Old Testament story of Noah, who sent out a dove at the end of the great flood. The dove returned with an olive branch, which became a symbol of peace between God and man. spacer


Symbol Code: SM000629     Symbol Name: Four Evangelists (Tetramorphs)   (Category: Divinity )

Four Evangelists (Tetramorphs)(Divine Revelation): The tetramorphs (Greek, four forms) were four angelic beings, drawn from much earlier Babylonian symbolism, described in a vision of the Hebrew Prophet Ezekiel:
“As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle “
The beasts are later described in the Revelation of John: “And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.”


Symbol Code: SM000630     Symbol Name: Triquetra (Triqueta, Trinity Knot)   (Category: Divinity )

Triquetra (Triqueta, Trinity Knot)(Divine Revelation): The triqueta symbol predates Christianity and was likely a Celtic symbol of the Goddess, and in the North, a symbol of the god Odin. Although it is often asserted that the triquetra is a symbol of a tripartite goddess, no such goddess has been identified with the symbol. Similar symbols do occur in some Norse and Celtic goddess imagery, but most likely represents the divisions of the animal kingdom and the three domains of earth mentioned above.


Symbol Code: SM000631     Symbol Name: Tonsure   (Category: Divinity )

Tonsure(Divine Revelation): The tonsure is the haircut of the monastic, wherein the top of the head is shorn in mimicry of the crown of thorns.The tonsure was most likely adopted from the customs of British Druids. The “Fisherman’s ring,” a signet with the image of the apostle Peter as a fisherman, is the traditional signet of the Catholic Papacy, now worn as an emblem of the Pope’s authority.


Symbol Code: SM000632     Symbol Name: Dove   (Category: Divinity )

Dove(Divine Revelation): The dove is the traditional emblem of the Holy Spirit, and is mentioned numerous times in scripture. The dove is the bird who brings to Noah the olive branch symbolic of God’s covenant with man, and again appears at the baptism of Christ. Because of this, the dove is used to represent grace and the seven gifts of the Holy spirit.


Symbol Code: SM000633     Symbol Name: Clouds   (Category: Divinity )

Clouds(Divine Revelation): Clouds hold the symbol meaning of revelation. Consider out of the mists of our deepest thoughts suddenly an epiphany comes, a bright idea comes out from nowhere - this is the basic cloud symbol meaning. Depending on the card, clouds can also symbolize confusion or clouded judgment. Primarily, clouds represent higher thought and messages from the divine.


Symbol Code: SM000634     Symbol Name: Earth   (Category: Divinity )

Earth(Divine Revelation): On some level, all threads of life are first woven with the fiber of Earth. This interconnectedness reminds us not only is the earth a stabilizing and a wholly physical symbol, it also represents a network. Earth is synonymous with belonging. She represents community and shared wisdom. Earth also embodies the concept of solid ground. We've released the limitations of the "small mind" and returned to the foundation our true nature.


Symbol Code: SM000702     Symbol Name: Dragon Encircling Pearl   (Category: Divinity )

Dragon Encircling Pearl(Divine Revelation): The pearl is often depicted with Chinese dragons. The pearl is sometimes thought to represent the moon. In fact, one legend has it that some dragons have become infatuated with the moon, and have gone insane trying to steal it from the sky. Other tales depict the pearl as an egg placed beneath the dragon's neck or chin. The dragon is said to carry the egg away until it is ready to hatch. By far the most agreed upon tale is that the pearl represents the dragon's wisdom - hence the term: "pearls of wisdom."


Symbol Code: SM000703     Symbol Name: Tetraktys (Tetrakt)   (Category: Divinity )

Tetraktys (Tetrakt)(Divine Revelation): This Tetraktys (from the Greek, tetras, four) is a triangular figure composed of the first ten points arranged in the shape of a pyramid. The tetraktys was devised by the Greek philosopher Pythagoras as a symbol of the Cosmos. It is composed of the integers one through ten, aligned in four rows (tetraktys means ‘fourfold).

The tetraktys was so sacred to the Pythagoreans that it formed the basis of their oath: “By that pure, holy, four lettered name on high, nature’s eternal fountain and supply, the parent of all souls that living be, by him, with faith find oath, I swear to thee.”


Symbol Code: SM000723     Symbol Name: Hathor (Headdress of Hathor)   (Category: Divinity )

Hathor (Headdress of Hathor)(Divine Love): An Egyptian hieroglyph representing the headdress of Hathor, a multifaceted goddess of the love, beauty, and fertility. The headdress consists of a sun disk surrounded by horns, the emblem of Hathor’s cow-goddess aspect.
Hathor is equivalent to the Roman Venus and the Greek Aphrodite. She is associated with the Milky Way, and the souls of Egyptian women judged to be worthy were identified with her.
As with the emblem of Venus, Hathor’s sign was often represented as or fashioned into a mirror.


Symbol Code: SM000724     Symbol Name: Heart in Hand (Shaker Heart in Hand)   (Category: Divinity )

Heart in Hand (Shaker Heart in Hand)(Divine Love): The Heart in Hand, an image of a heart in an open palm, is an easily recognizable symbol in the North Eastern US. This cheerful, welcoming image originated with the Shakers and is found on crafts, signs, and even cookies. The symbol is a pictoral reminder of the words of Mother Ann Lee, the founder of the Shaker sect, who promoted a simple life of hard work and spirituality, “Put you hands to work, and your hearts to God.” The image is typical of the Shaker attitude, and implies also a loving welcome.


Symbol Code: SM000725     Symbol Name: Shamrock (Trefoil, Cloverleaf)   (Category: Divinity )

Shamrock (Trefoil, Cloverleaf)(Divine Love): The Shamrock is the ubiquitous symbol of all things Irish. Although today it is usually regarded as a simple good luck charm or a St. Patrick’s day decoration, it is one of the oldest Celtic symbols.
The shamrock is a native species of clover in Ireland. A Catholic legend holds that St. Patrick used it’s three lobes as a device for teaching the Holy trinity. To the Druids who came before, it symbolized a similar “three in one” concept- the three dominions of earth, sky, and sea, the ages of man, and the phases of the moon. In Celtic folklore, the Shamrock is a charm against evil, a belief that has carried over in the modern reliance in the four leafed clover as a good luck charm.


Symbol Code: SM000726     Symbol Name: Knot of Hercules (Love Knot, Heracles Knot)   (Category: Divinity )

Knot of Hercules (Love Knot, Heracles Knot)(Divine Love): The marriage-knot or knot of Hercules, a strong knot created by two intertwined ropes, originated as a healing charm in ancient Egypt, but is best known for it’s use in ancient Greece and Rome as a protective amulet, most notably as a wedding symbol, incorporated into the protective girdles worn by brides, which were ceremonially untied by the new groom. This custom is the likely origin of the phrase “tying the knot.”


Symbol Code: SM000731     Symbol Name: Pomegranate   (Category: Divinity )

Pomegranate(Divine Love): The pomegranate (Latin, pomum granatus, “seeded apple”) was first cultivated by the ancient Phoenicians, who used the jewel-like fruit as both food and medicine. The many seeds made the fruit an obvious emblem of fertility, and by association, love and marriage. The pomegranate is associated with a number of goddesses, including Astarte, Cybele, Hera, and especially Persephone, whose ingestion of just one of the fruit’s seeds (a probable allusion to pregnancy) made her an eternal prisoner of Hades.


Symbol Code: SM000732     Symbol Name: Willow Tree Meanings According to the Celtic Ogham   (Category: Divinity )

Willow Tree Meanings According
to the Celtic Ogham(Divine Love): Willow Tree Meanings According
to the Celtic Ogham
The Celtic meaning of willow has a long history of symbolism associated with metaphysical and ritual practices.
Specifically, the willow wood has been (and still is) used in ceremonies intended for enhancement of psychic abilities, honoring the moon as well as increase the essence of love in our lives.


Symbol Code: SM000733     Symbol Name: Celtic Ash Tree   (Category: Divinity )

Celtic Ash Tree(Divine Love): Celtic Ash Tree Meaning
Not only was its girth tremendous, its height was towering. Some ash trees are known to soar over 200 feet tall. Such incredible growth owes credit to a fantastic root system.
It's mass, height, and deeply imbedded roots were all metaphors for the spiritually minded Celts (and us too). The ash speaks to us of growth, expansion, and higher perspective. If we think symbolically as the ancient Celts were apt to do, we can liken our own soul-growth with that of the ash. With greater (higher) attainment, the more we need to stay grounded (well rooted).


Symbol Code: SM000734     Symbol Name: Celtic Hawthorn Tree   (Category: Divinity )

Celtic Hawthorn Tree(Divine Love): Celtic Hawthorn Tree Meaning
The Celtic meaning of the hawthorn tree deals with balance and duality. The hawthorn is full of contradictions, none of which went unnoticed by the soul-minded Celts.
In May, the hawthorn is in its glory with strikingly beautiful blossoms. These are nestled tightly among the hawthorn's large and lethal looking thorns. Here we see the first of several juxtapositions, giving this tree/shrub its colorful reputation in history.


Symbol Code: SM000741     Symbol Name: Meadowseet Flower   (Category: Divinity )

Meadowseet Flower(Divine Love): Among other floral essences, Meadowsweet was used to create the beautiful Blodeuwedd. A good look at this flower, and it's a no-brainer to see why. Lovely, delicate, soft and subtle - all the good stuff that Gwydion & Math wanted in a lady for Lleu. The symbolism of the Meadowsweet mainly deals with grace, refinement and elegance. Other names for Meadowsweet include: "Lady of the Meadow" and "Brideswort," the latter because it is a frequent bouquet of choice at weddings. In fact, Meadowsweet was sought after flower for marriage ceremonies in ancient Europe. In the tale of Blodeuwedd, this is symbolic of the intent for harmonious union between she and Lleu. The primary symbolic feature I pick up from Meadowsweet is that of honor and cherish. Not just because of its history in wedding chapels, but also because this fair flower has been found in several funerary remains of ancient Celtic burial sites. This ranks the Meadowsweet high on the symbolic list of honor, commemoration and gentle acknowledgement of fine attributes of the human soul.


Symbol Code: SM000742     Symbol Name: Broom Flower   (Category: Divinity )

Broom Flower(Divine Love): Blodeuwedd was also created from the essence of the Broom flower. The name is no coincidence. The branches of the Broom bush are perfect for sweeping (but not while the yellow blossoms are standing at attention, wait till the flowers drop off - otherwise sweeping with Broom branches leads to very nasty luck as the fables warn). Because of its handy household uses, flower symbolism of the Broom include a sense of orderliness, cleanliness, tidiness. Kind of like a "symbol of good house-keeping." It's bright yellow flowers are likened to the gold of the radiating sun, and therefore conjure symbolic attributes of light, energy, vitality and warmth. The Broom flower as a symbol also hints to humility - it's a simple bush...its needs are few (it can live quite well without much tending). Those who are drawn to the Broom flower as a personal symbol will be humble in his/her ways....resourceful too - making the best (and being happy) with simple things in life. Broom flower symbolism also points to matters of the heart; ingestion of the plant are known to affect cardiac function. Folk medicine cites Broom teas as a heart regulator (don't try it at home unless you know what you're doing - do i really have to say that? Sheesh). I appreciate this heart association connected with humbleness. The Broom is a bright reminder of how simple values can go a long way to balancing the heart.


Symbol Code: SM000743     Symbol Name: Celtic Hazel Tree   (Category: Divinity )

Celtic Hazel Tree(Divine Love): Celtic Hazel Tree Meaning
One look at the hazel tree and it's easy to see why the Celtic meaning of the hazel tree deals with creativity, and why the druids held it in such high regard amongst the Ogham ranks.
The hazel's unusual branch formations make it a delight to ponder, and was often used for inspiration in art, as well as poetry.
The bards, ovates and druids of the Celtic day would intently observe its crazy curly-Q branches. Doing this would lead them into other worlds of delightful fantasy. Much the same way our modern imaginations can be captured by a good movie, the creative Celts were artistically motivated by the seemingly random and wild contortions of the hazel.


Symbol Code: SM000744     Symbol Name: Celtic Apple Tree   (Category: Divinity )

Celtic Apple Tree(Divine Love): Celtic Apple Tree Meaning
The Celtic meaning of the apple tree deals with many things, including wholeness, purity and goodwill.
For obvious reasons the ancient Celts consider the apple tree a treasure among the Ogham tree clan.
It’s brilliant flowers burst forth in the spring, usually ranging from pink to white. These flowers have a light aroma that lifts the spirit of all who pass by them. Ancient Celts would decorate bedchambers with the apple blossoms as a fertility gesture and to tribute the beauty and bounty life provides.


Symbol Code: SM000820     Symbol Name: The Pinecone   (Category: Divinity )

The Pinecone(Formless Divine): The pineal gland is a remarkable feature of the human experience. Nestled in the brain between the two hemispheres, it is a source of endless intrigue in the realm of mysticism. Indeed, it’s known by pseudonyms such as the “third eye” the “dream center” and the “mystic seed.”


Symbol Code: SM000863     Symbol Name: Equilateral Triangle   (Category: Divinity )

Equilateral Triangle(Divine Support): In Native American symbology (specifically plains tribes) a large, equilateral triangle pointing downard represents trust in divine guidance. It is a symbol of our ability to join with the divine and have a divine perspective. Further in this genre, an equilateral triangle pointing heavenwards represents the divine point, the highest point of knowledge (cosmic awareness or higher spirit if you will).


Symbol Code: SM000874     Symbol Name: Medicine Stone Wheel   (Category: Divinity )

Medicine Stone Wheel(Importance of Life Breath): The medicine wheel is used for growth, learning, and is a tool for enlightenment and assistance in areas where we need it. This Sioux medicine wheel shows seven stones in the middle represent the seven types of human personality - or the universal personality (hate, love, fear, envy, compassion, etc.). The stones encircling the inner seven stones represent plants, animals, people or something else - each regarded as having equal value. The four cardinal points represent the four paths each person is born to.


Symbol Code: SM000892     Symbol Name: Night   (Category: DIVINITY )

Night(DIVINE SELF): A symbol of balance and putting things to rest with the goal for peace. Represents putting issues away, and allowing them to sit until your spirit is ready to pull the issues back out for contemplation. Also a sign of surrender. Night represents the cloak or shade being pulled down so that the subconscious or inner spirit can do its work while physical actions must be silenced and put into submission while this inner work takes place.


Symbol Code: SM000945     Symbol Name: Totemic Wolf   (Category: DIVINITY )

Totemic Wolf(DIVINE SELF): Totem wolf symbols belong to those who truly understand the depth of passion that belong to this noble creature. The Wolf is a representative of deep faith, and profound understanding.
Further, the Wolf possess a high intellect, and have been observed using strategies about hunting, habitat and migration. As a Celtic symbol, the Wolf was a source of lunar power. Celtic lore states that the Wolf would hunt down the sun and devour it at each dusk so as to allow the power of the moon to come forth.


Symbol Code: SM000946     Symbol Name: Peacocks   (Category: DIVINITY )

Peacocks(DIVINE SELF): In general, the Peacock is representative of glory, immortality, royalty, and incorruptibility. It is a possessor of some of the most admired human characteristics, and is a symbol of integrity and the beauty that can be achieved when we endeavor to better ourselves and better our lives.
In history, myth, legend & lore, the peacock is considered an emblem of protection, nobility, watchfulness, guidance, and holiness.


Symbol Code: SM000947     Symbol Name: Beaver   (Category: DIVINITY )

Beaver(DIVINE SELF): Beavers are ingenious builders, orchestrating megalith dams that can change the flowing course of entire rivers. This impressive aspect along with its association with water makes the beaver an analogy for building our up dreams.
In essence, the beaver tells us to believe in our dreams as if they were real. Build on them as if the dream is your reality. Change the course of your life flow by structuring your life with a goal to coax your dreams into your physical reality.


Symbol Code: SM000948     Symbol Name: Symbolic Pelican   (Category: DIVINITY )

Symbolic Pelican(DIVINE SELF): Ancient alchemy linked pelican symbolism to the legendary Philosopher's Stone. This famed stone is said to turn other elements to gold, lending magical and transformative powers to the bird. This ideal is about revolution and the stages of transformation are related to specific colors. The red stage is the feeding stage and the predecessor to rebirth and associated with the majestic pelican.
The pronounced bill of the pelican contains a pouch used for fishing and drinking. Bills, and particularly large bills, represent self-indulgence, holding, and the capacity to take in a great deal. Pouches speak of containment, security, and transportation. If the pelican is your animal totem, it's highly likely you have an impressive ability to take in a lot of information at once and digest it all with relative ease. Pelican people are expert travelers too, able to travel light, and you're likely to have the travel bug in that you'll fly at the mere whisper of adventures ahead. Pelican people may also hold many thoughts to themselves, reluctant to be outspoken about their opinions. If this sounds like you, the pelican can help you digest all this information you're taking in, and also facilitate ways for you to "spit out" the great ideas you have and speak your mind with confidence.


Symbol Code: SM000949     Symbol Name: Horns   (Category: DIVINITY )

Horns(DIVINE SELF): Horns and antlers also point to the recycling nature of all life. Stags grow antlers in the Spring (symbolic of birth, renewal, the return of life), and fall off in the Fall (symbolic of death, introspection and hibernation). This would have prompted ancient consciousness to consider the phases of life, the cycles of being. Cernunnos would have encouraged the populous to viscerally feel the rise and fall of Nature and Time. His horns/antlers are a testimony to transience.


Symbol Code: SM000950     Symbol Name: Goddess Symbols of Temperantia   (Category: DIVINITY )

Goddess Symbols of Temperantia(DIVINE SELF): Temperantia is an ancient Roman goddess who embodies the concept of temperance and moderation. Moreover, she is the female manifestation of one among four of the cardinal virtues established by none other than Plato: Temperance.
Do all the cardinal virtues have deities impersonating them? Yes, and interestingly, they're all female. I hope to write about them all in terms of their god or goddess symbols as time allows.
Both Greeks and Romans had their own quartet of cardinal virtues. The Greek version of temperance, was sophrosune, which means to come into utter balance through inner (self) knowing.


Symbol Code: SM000961     Symbol Name: Vergina Sun (Macedonian sun, Argead Star)   (Category: DIVINITY )

Vergina Sun (Macedonian sun, Argead Star)(DIVINE SELF): A distinct eight, twelve, or sixteen rayed figure, Called the sun of Vergina. It is so named for a stunning example found on a larnax (coffin) in the tomb of Philip II of Macedonia, the father of Alexander the Great and a notable member of the Argead Dynasty. The motif itself is ubiquitous in Greek and Macedonian art. It is most likely a solar symbol, being found in temple art depicting the sun God Helios.
Other notable examples of the motif have been found at Eleusis and at the Temple of Nemesis.
Since the discovery of the Tomb in Vergina, the sun emblem has made its way onto a number of Greek and Macedonian coins, flags, and other objects as a symbol of cultural identity.


Symbol Code: SM000973     Symbol Name: Winged Heart of the Sufi Order   (Category: Divinity )

Winged Heart of the Sufi Order(DIVINE TEACHER): The Symbol of the Sufi Order

The symbol of the Order is a heart with wings. It explains that the heart is between soul and body, a medium between spirit and matter. When the soul is covered by its love for matter it is naturally attracted to matter. This is the law of gravitation in abstract form, as it is said in the Bible, ‘Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.’ When man treasures the things of the earth his heart is drawn to the earth. But the heart is subject not only to gravitation, but also to attraction from on high, and as in the Egyptian symbology, wings are considered as the symbol of spiritual progress, the heart with wings expresses that the heart reaches upward towards heaven.


Symbol Code: SM000974     Symbol Name: Hotei (Ho Ti, Laughing Buddha, Maitreya)   (Category: Divinity )

Hotei (Ho Ti, Laughing Buddha, Maitreya)(DIVINE TEACHER): A typical Taoist image of Hotei, one of the seven Japanese “gods of good fortune” (Shichi Fukujin). He is usually depicted as a smiling Buddhist monk, often with a fan and a sack of gifts or gold bars. A patron of children and the less fortunate, Hote is often pictured surrounded by laughing children. Figures of Ho Ti are often kept as good luck charms. Hotei is often thought to be a representation of Chinese Buddhist teacher Budaishi, and as Budaishi was believed by devotees to be the incarnation of Matreiya, the “future Buddha” who is to come, Hotei is often considered synonymous with Maitreya. It is there fore not uncommon (although confusing) to find Hotei figures referred to as “Buddhas.”


Symbol Code: SM000975     Symbol Name: Jain Om (Bijaskhara, Navokar/Navkar)   (Category: Divinity )

Jain Om (Bijaskhara, Navokar/Navkar)(DIVINE TEACHER): This Jain Symbol is a modified version of the Hindu Om. The five parts that make up the symbol symbolize the five lines of the Namokar Mantra, a daily prayer whose recital by believers is a central part of the Jain religion. The Namokar (or, namkar) mantra honors the five Jain Panch Parmeshtis, or great entities. The five parmeshtis are:
Arihantas, (Tirthankars or Jinas), the pure souls, the saints.
Siddhas, liberated souls who are beyond birth and death
Acharyas, leaders of Jain congregations
Upadhyays, initiated monks and nuns
Sadhus and Sadhvis, male and female laypersons (householders)


Symbol Code: SM000989     Symbol Name: Babylonian Tree of Life (Mesopotamian Tree of Life)   (Category: DIVINITY )

Babylonian Tree of Life (Mesopotamian Tree of Life)(DIVINE SELF): This image represents the early Mesopotamian Tree of Life. In Babylonian mythology, the Tree of Life was a magical tree that grew in the center of paradise. The Apsu, or primordial waters, flowed from its roots. It is the prototype of the tree described in Genesis: the biblical Tree of Paradise evolved directly from this ancient symbol; it is the symbol from which the Egyptian, Islamic, and Kabbalistic Tree of Life concepts originated.
The stylized images may also represent the spine and branches of the human nervous system. Its design is similar to that of the Egyptian djed and the Norse Irminsul.


Symbol Code: SM001012     Symbol Name: Cornucopia (Horn of plenty, Horn of Amalthea)   (Category: DIVINITY )

Cornucopia (Horn of plenty, Horn of Amalthea)(DIVINE SELF): The Cornucopia (Latin, ‘horn of plenty’), a spiraling, woven basket overflowing with an abundance of produce, is an ever-present symbol of harvest prosperity. The symbol dates back to an ancient tale of the Nymph Amalthea,* who, as a reward from the infant Zeus for a meal of Goat’s milk, was given an enchanted goat’s horn which gave whatever one wished for.**
The cornucopia became a ubiquitous symbol of fortune and plenty, and was associated with many Goddesses, including Fortuna, the goddess of good fortune, and Ceres, Goddess of agriculture.


Symbol Code: SM001013     Symbol Name: Eckankar (“Eck”) Emblem   (Category: DIVINITY )

Eckankar (“Eck”) Emblem(DIVINE SELF): The emblem of Eckankar, a spiritual group founded in 1965 by former Scientologist and Yoga initiate John Paul Twitchell. The philosophy of “Eck” follows that of numerous Eastern traditions that a divine sound current (“Om”) emanates throughout creation, becoming increasingly denser and entangled within the material. Mimicking the divine sound helps one to attune to that current and purifies matter, bringing one closer to the divine source.
The symbol itself is simply “Ek,” short for eckankar, a corruption of the words “Ek Onkar,” God is one or one essence; ‘omkar’ means, literally, ‘om creator’ and can be likened to the First Cause.
Omkar written in Sanskrit letters is what we commonly refer to as the “Om symbol.”


Symbol Code: SM001014     Symbol Name: Gnostic Serpent Wheel   (Category: DIVINITY )

Gnostic Serpent Wheel(DIVINE SELF): The Gnostic Serpent Wheel pictured above represents the eight Aeons of Gnosticism. It is a emblem of the cycles of time and is a symbol of the Gnostic messiah- the eighth Aeon who brings awakening and restores unity. It is closely related to the eight-spoked catholic baptismal cross- the Sunday of the resurrection was for early Christians an eighth day, and symbolized regeneration. This cycle was represented for some Gnostics by the serpent, who was associated with the “self-begotten” Deity by virtue of its ability to “give birth to itself” by the shedding of its skin.


Symbol Code: SM001015     Symbol Name: Chalice Well at Glastonbury   (Category: DIVINITY )

Chalice Well at Glastonbury(DIVINE SELF): This is a simplified image of the design that graces the cover of the Chalice Well at Glastonbury, designed in the nineteenth century by archaeologist Bligh Bond. Crafted of wrought iron and wood, it depicts the Vesica Pisces, a symbol of the divine feminine, and Excalibur, the sword of the legendary King Arthur, who is believed by some to be buried at Glastonbury.
The wellspring at Glastonbury is considered to be one of England’s most Holy sites. The well itself dates back over two thousand years, and was sacred to both early Pagans and the Christians who later built an abbey on the site. Today, the well is a place of pilgrimage for Christians and Pagans alike, many of whom believe the red, iron rich water has healing and miraculous properties. The vesica Pisces theme is repeated in the shape of the pool at the base of the hill, where the water from the spring flows.


Symbol Code: SM001016     Symbol Name: Babylonian Tree of Life (Mesopotamian Tree of Life)   (Category: DIVINITY )

Babylonian Tree of Life (Mesopotamian Tree of Life)(DIVINE SELF): This image represents the early Mesopotamian Tree of Life. In Babylonian mythology, the Tree of Life was a magical tree that grew in the center of paradise. The Apsu, or primordial waters, flowed from its roots. It is the prototype of the tree described in Genesis: the biblical Tree of Paradise evolved directly from this ancient symbol; it is the symbol from which the Egyptian, Islamic, and Kabbalistic Tree of Life concepts originated.
The stylized images may also represent the spine and branches of the human nervous system. Its design is similar to that of the Egyptian djed and the Norse Irminsul.


Symbol Code: SM001017     Symbol Name: The Mythological Eagle   (Category: DIVINITY )

The Mythological Eagle(DIVINE SELF): The Eagle is the universal emblem of the gods of the sky. The cosmic eagle is a symbol of the highest aspirations of the spirit, and its triumph over the carnal nature. This is why the eagle is so often depicted in combat with serpents or bulls, creatures who symbolize earthly desire (bull) or evil (serpents). It is most often a solar symbol, but sometimes it is thunder or lightning. The divine eagle is often a hybrid or transformed man, often a king or hero of great virtue.
Astrologically, the eagle is the highest aspect of the sign Scorpio; its lower aspect is a serpent. Alchemically, it is the emblem of the element of air and is associated with the process of sublimation, wherein the volatile principal is heated until it “flies up to heaven.” A double-headed eagle represents the union of opposites and is an important emblem of Freemasonry.


Symbol Code: SM001018     Symbol Name: Star and Crescent of Islam   (Category: DIVINITY )

Star and Crescent of Islam(DIVINE SELF): This emblem, commonly recognized as the symbol of the Islamic faith, has actually acquired its association to the faith by association, rather than intent.
The star and crescent symbol itself is very ancient, dating back to early Sumerian civilization, where it was associated with the sun God and moon Goddess (one early appearance dates to 2100 BCE), and later, with Goddesses Tanit and even Diana. The symbol remained in near constant use, and was eventually adopted into the battle-standard of the Ottoman Dynasty, who are mainly responsible for its association with Islam. As the Dynasty was also the policitical head of the faith, it was inevitable that their symbol would be associated with Islam as well. It should be noted that there is no mention of such a symbol in the Koran, the Holy book of Islam, nor is there any relationship between the crescent and star and the Prophet (whose flag was black and white, inscribed “Nasr um min Allah,” “with the help of Allah.”)


Symbol Code: SM001019     Symbol Name: Fasces (Colon)   (Category: DIVINITY )

Fasces (Colon)(DIVINE SELF): The word fasces comes from the the Roman word meaning bundle. The fasces itself is an axe or pointed weapon surrounded by bundled rods of wood- usually elm. It’s original use and true meaning is lost, although it probably originated as a phallic emblem.
The fasces was a symbol of authority in ancient Rome, most often associated with magistrates. Bundles of rods without a weapon were called bacilli, the emblem of the duumviri, magistrates without the power to pass a sentence of death. It is supposed that the bundles rods represented the unified people; the axe, authority and power.


Symbol Code: SM001020     Symbol Name: Mano Cornuto (Horned Hand)   (Category: DIVINITY )

Mano Cornuto (Horned Hand)(DIVINE SELF): Mano Cornuto means “horned hand” in Italian; the gesture is commonly depicted on charms against the evil eye. It is unclear whether the gesture originated as an image of horns or as a “poking out the eyes” gesture (against the malocchio or “evil eye”), but ancient lunar goddess charms depicting animal horns were used for similar protective purposes and are probably related to the gesture.
The use of the horns as a symbol of satanic belief is recent, and is evolved from its use by heavy metal musicians and fans. (A good discussion of the use of the horned hand gesture in rock can be found here.) The horned Hand gesture is also used occasionally by Wiccans as a symbol of the “horned God” or as the horns of the Moon Goddess, depending on tradition.


Symbol Code: SM001070     Symbol Name: Muladhara   (Category: DIVINITY )

Muladhara(DIVINE SELF): Common Name: Root Chakra
Located: Base of spine, the sacral plexus
Details and Governance: The root chakra governs the body's organs of excretion and the adrenals, it also influences the sense of smell. Emotionally, this chakra is the seat survival, and rules the primal instinct. Its element is earth, its color is red, and it's mantra is lam. Connect with this chakra to access your primal life-force.


Symbol Code: SM001071     Symbol Name: Swadhisthana   (Category: DIVINITY )

Swadhisthana(DIVINE SELF): Common Name: Sacram/Sacral Chakra
Located: Genitals
Details and Governance: The sacral chakra governs the body's reproductive organs and gonads, it also influences the sense of taste. Emotionally, this chakra is the seat self-acceptance, raw emotion and sexual energy. Its element is water, its color is orange, and it's mantra is vam. Connect with this chakra to access your creativity.


Symbol Code: SM001072     Symbol Name: Manipura   (Category: DIVINITY )

Manipura(DIVINE SELF): Common Name: Solar Plexus Chakra
Located: Navel
Details and Governance: The solar plexus chakra governs the pancreas and abdominal organs, it also influences the sense of sight. Emotionally, this chakra is the seat self-will, mental acuity and sense of identity. Its element is fire, its color is yellow, and it's mantra is ram. Connect with this chakra to access your subconscious emotion, ego and will power.


Symbol Code: SM001073     Symbol Name: Anahata   (Category: DIVINITY )

Anahata(DIVINE SELF): Common Name: Heart Chakra
Located: Heart Area
Details and Governance: The heart chakra governs the body's lungs and thymus, it also influences the sense of touch. Emotionally, this chakra is the seat compassion, love and healing. Its element is air, its color is green, and it's mantra is yam. Connect with this chakra to access love.


Symbol Code: SM001074     Symbol Name: Vishudha   (Category: DIVINITY )

Vishudha(DIVINE SELF): Common Name: Throat Chakra
Located: Laryngeal Plexus
Details and Governance: The throat chakra governs the body's thyroid, it also influences the sense of hearing. Emotionally, this chakra is the seat self-expression, and speech. Its element is ether, its color is blue, and it's mantra is ham. Connect with this chakra to access creative expression and communication.


Symbol Code: SM001075     Symbol Name: Ajna   (Category: DIVINITY )

Ajna(DIVINE SELF): Common Name: Third-Eye Chakra
Located: Between the eyebrows, forhead
Details and Governance: The third-eye chakra governs the body's pituitary gland, it also influences the sixth sense - the higher mind. Emotionally, this chakra is the seat intuition, and extra-sensory perception. Its element is time, its color is indigo, and it's mantra is Aum. Connect with this chakra to access your primordial, super-natural power.


Symbol Code: SM001076     Symbol Name: Sahasrara   (Category: DIVINITY )

Sahasrara(DIVINE SELF): Common Name: Crown Chakra
Located: Top/crown of head, brain
Details and Governance: The crown chakra governs the body's pineal gland, and its influence is beyond the sensory realm. Emotionally, this chakra is the seat divinity, peace and enlightenment. Its element is space, its color is violet, and it's mantra is silence. Connect with this chakra to access all-knowing, eternal bliss and liberation from all things corporeal/material.


Symbol Code: SM001077     Symbol Name: Torc   (Category: DIVINITY )

Torc(DIVINE SELF): Apart from artistic adornment, bartering and expressive craftsmanship, Celtic jewelry was also an immediately visual way to determine the status of a member within the community. The more ornate your piece, the higher your status in the clan. And, if you had more than one torc, you must have been hot stuff in the community. So if torcs are symbolic of nobility and status, Cernunnos depicted with two torcs indicates: 1) he was a integral and important part of the community, and 2) his status was high.
Golden torcs are also symbolic of high class due to wealth. This is noteworthy because another among the Celtic symbols of Cernunnos is a purse filled with golden coins. This, combined with the torc allows us to intuit Cernunnos as being completely comfortable with the idea of wealth. Further, Cernunnos is said to be quite generous in his riches (monetarily, agriculturally and in the spoils of the hunt). So, it does not seem too far-fetched to imagine the ancient Celts forming an alliance with Cernunnos as a means to gain status and wealth in their lives.


Symbol Code: SM001089     Symbol Name: Meaning of Eight in Tarot   (Category: Divinity )

Meaning of Eight in Tarot(DIVINE BREATHING SPIRIT): Envision the cyclical path of breath moving through your lungs and body in an eight-like (or infinity symbol) pattern. This lulls the munchy (critical) mind, engages the spirit in a softer activity, and thus ignites our deeper selves - flipping on an intuitive switch that turns on a depth within us that is both alpha, omega, and omni. Give it a try, it's effective and pretty amazing. Eights Most obvious symbolic tell is its written Arabic form ("8"). When we recognize is voluptuous curves, we also identify the lemniscate or infinity symbol. This symbol deals with balance, time, and more interestingly, the recycling travel path of energy.


Symbol Code: SM001109     Symbol Name: Lakshmi's Footprints   (Category: DIVINITY )

Lakshmi's Footprints(Divine Self): Lakshmi is a beloved scintillating East Indian goddess of good fortune, and believed to be the giver of great wealth. In addition to be fantastically beautiful Lakshmi is also generous and compassionate with her gifts. What's more, Lakshmi is all about refinement, beautification and opulence. Indian art depicting this goddess has tremendous "wow-factor" because she is bedecked, bejeweled and wholly beguiling.


Symbol Code: SM001126     Symbol Name: Crown   (Category: DIVINITY )

CrownIn most cultures, a crown is a symbol of not only royalty and nobility – but also divinity. For example deities and Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt wore double crowns to signify their divine stature as well as mark their endowment of divine power. In some religions, including Christianity, the crown represents divine glory and crowns were placed on the heads of newly deceased as a sign of their union with God upon their passing. In Eastern religions the crown worn is a sign of spiritual evolution – one step closer to divinity.


Symbol Code: SM001127     Symbol Name: Oak   (Category: DIVINITY )

Oak(DIVINE SELF): Oak pollen, to be specific. When Math and Gwydion cooked up the magnificently gorgeous Blodeuwedd, they used the pollen of the Oak as an animation agent. Think pixie dust - when blown in through the nostrils, in makes the inanimate come alive. Isn't that lovely? The Oak is a symbol of life, strength, stability to name a few qualities. Druidic lore held the Oak as a mammoth symbol of power, influence and considered it a chieftain among the sacred clan of trees. In the moral of Blodeuwedd, the Oak is a symbol of integrity (just as the Oak grown fine, strong and tall). Ideally, the Oak pollen breathed through her nostrils would instill faith, long life and fidelity to Lleu. We learn later in the myth that Blodeuwedd eyes wander (she takes off with Gronw), but nevertheless, the intention and symbolic power of the Oak is resolute. I guess there is symbolic moral in this too. We are what we make ourselves. We may be fashioned from certain elements, and that which creates us may have the finest intentions - but in the end - we are the choosers of our path.


Symbol Code: SM001128     Symbol Name: Moon Symbolism   (Category: DIVINITY )

Moon Symbolism(DIVINE SELF): Moon symbolism in general holds a special magic because lunar energy holds infinite potential. As the moon is in her glory in the midst of darkness, she is a vessel of unknowable power. Her strength is in her secrets.
Continuing in this state of lunar communion and exploration, ask to be shown the sacred cycles of lunar time. In this way you will be shown the motions of night life, like:
--Animals who dance with moon melodies.
--Birds aloft in lunar currents.
--Vegetation growing upwards, ever reaching out to touch moonlight.


Symbol Code: SM001129     Symbol Name: Blood   (Category: DIVINITY )

Blood(DIVINE SELF): Dream meaning of blood deals with life, fluidity, passion and that which sustains us. Blood dreams get right down to the nitty gritty of emotional issues that have been coagulating deep beneath surface life experience, those aspects that dwell in the deepest fathoms of our awareness. Some messages that may manifest from blood include a sense of guilt (dreaming of blood on our hands), overburdened or weak and needing to take rest (loosing blood in our dreams), challenges with making social connections or emotional ties (seeing someone else's blood).


Symbol Code: SM001130     Symbol Name: Broom Flower   (Category: DIVINITY )

Broom Flower(Divine Self): lodeuwedd was also created from the essence of the Broom flower. The name is no coincidence. The branches of the Broom bush are perfect for sweeping (but not while the yellow blossoms are standing at attention, wait till the flowers drop off - otherwise sweeping with Broom branches leads to very nasty luck as the fables warn). Because of its handy household uses, flower symbolism of the Broom include a sense of orderliness, cleanliness, tidiness. Kind of like a "symbol of good house-keeping." It's bright yellow flowers are likened to the gold of the radiating sun, and therefore conjure symbolic attributes of light, energy, vitality and warmth. The Broom flower as a symbol also hints to humility - it's a simple bush...its needs are few (it can live quite well without much tending). Those who are drawn to the Broom flower as a personal symbol will be humble in his/her ways....resourceful too - making the best (and being happy) with simple things in life. Broom flower symbolism also points to matters of the heart; ingestion of the plant are known to affect cardiac function. Folk medicine cites Broom teas as a heart regulator (don't try it at home unless you know what you're doing - do i really have to say that? Sheesh). I appreciate this heart association connected with humbleness. The Broom is a bright reminder of how simple values can go a long way to balancing the heart.


Symbol Code: SM001131     Symbol Name: Body   (Category: DIVINITY )

Body(Divine Self): Another foundational dream symbol, the body speaks from our dreaming mind in terms of stability, action, knowing, basics, foundations and structure. The body may also offer clues into our status of health. In our conscious realm, we rely most heavily on our physical senses for understanding - our bodies are big sensory devices, endlessly interpreting (taste, touch, smell, hearing, seeing). So, when we dream of bodies, it may be a call to pay closer attention to our surroundings - get a deeper sense or interpretation of our environment.


Symbol Code: SM001132     Symbol Name: Eyes   (Category: DIVINITY )

Eyes(Divine Self): Understandably, the dream meaning of eyes deals with perception. Eyes interpret light, and so when we dream of them we're dealing with a greater vision, illumination, enlightenment, understanding and even our concept of reality. Injured eyes may indicate we're not seeing the facts clearly, or we're simply unable to face certain truths at this time. Closed eyes may either indicate surrender to a situation (leaving it to faith) or choosing avoidance over action. Eye color in dreams is subject to your interpretation too. Eye patches suggests perception is marred, not all the facts are known, and it might be time to explore all the details.


Symbol Code: SM001133     Symbol Name: Face   (Category: DIVINITY )

Face(Divine Self): Dream meaning of faces should be interpreted according to the expression on the dream face. These are pretty explanatory. Happy faces elicit meanings of joy, harmony, peace, prosperity. Gruesome or unpleasant faces indicate turbulences, discontent, hostility, worry, inner displeasure. Illuminated faces are often portents of higher knowledge dispensed to the dreamer (maybe from a loved one, spirit guide or angel). A dream face with no features points to a heavy reliance on faith, spirituality or extrasensory perception to gain understanding over the use of physical senses. Also see dreaming of eyes (above).


Symbol Code: SM001150     Symbol Name: Armadillo   (Category: DIVINITY )

Armadillo(Divine Sleep): Armadillos sleep most of the day, some eighteen hours (just like sloths and anteaters, which are close cousins to the armadillo). When the armadillo burrows its way into your awareness as a totem or a messenger, it might be a good time to get some rest. Relax, recover, recuperate and consider withdrawing from social engagements for a time of renewal. Because armadillo's typically live in dens underground, we're observing womb-like symbolism. The Mother (Earth) is both womb and tomb to all life. If the armadillo is coming into your consciousness, consider big themes like this. Is it time to mother ourselves? Nurture ourselves? Is it time to become reborn? Or perhaps it's time to retreat, withdraw and become more reclusive. These are all questions the armadillo asks us on our life's journey.


Symbol Code: SM001156     Symbol Name: Beetle Bodies   (Category: DIVINITY )

Beetle BodiesThey're comprised of three parts (head, abdomen, thorax). There is a law of threes that goes something like: "whatever energy you put out into the environment will return to you threefold." In-step with beetle meaning of community, strength, recycling, spirituality...consider all these aspects, and contemplate what kind of vibes we are sending out within these symbolic beetle realms. What are we putting out into our community? If it's a crumby attitude, the rule of three suggests we'll reap some crumby stuff from our community. Are we mindful of your carbon footprints? If so, our conscientious efforts to purify the earth will be rewarded three-fold.



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