"Be an Angel with Divine Powers"
Sacred Symbols On Death
Symbol Code: SM000021     Symbol Name: Symbols of Death   (Category: Death )

Symbols of DeathMedieval and Renaissance art made use of a number of emblems to symbolize death and mortality. Although a central theme of Christianity for hundreds of years the was triumph over death, the onset of the black plague altered public perception, and the emphasis was placed on the triumph of death over life and the necessity of repentance.


Symbol Code: SM000022     Symbol Name: Ouroboros   (Category: Death )

OuroborosThe image of the Ouroboros, or self-eating serpent, is one of the most ancient and enduring symbols of human civilization. It represents both the cyclical nature of the universe and rebirth from death.


Symbol Code: SM000023     Symbol Name: Transition Symbol - Death   (Category: Death )

Transition Symbol - DeathTransition Symbol - Death


Symbol Code: SM000024     Symbol Name: Mary Magdalene   (Category: Death )

Mary MagdaleneThe skull was a frequent companion to ascetic desert saints in numerous Christian artworks, and was often paired with the book, a symbol of studiousness. In this manifestation, the death’s head was less ominous, and symbolized the rejection of the impermanent material world for the life of the spirit. Mary Magdalene is probably the best known example of these two emblems in art.


Symbol Code: SM000025     Symbol Name: The Ouroboros   (Category: Death )

The OuroborosThe Ouroboros (or Uroborus) is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail. The name originates from within Greek language; οὐρά (oura) meaning "tail" and βόρος (boros) meaning "eating", thus "he who eats the tail". The Ouroboros represents the perpetual cyclic renewal of life and infinity, the concept of eternity and the eternal return, and represents the cycle of life, death and rebirth, leading to immortality, as in the phoenix.


Symbol Code: SM000113     Symbol Name: Cabletow, cable tow (Masonic)   (Category: Death )

Cabletow, cable tow (Masonic)The cabletow is an element of initiation introduced into the rites of Freemasonry in the early eighteenth century. In the form of a rope hung from a candidate’s neck, the cable tow originally symbolized the penalty for breaking the Masonic oath.

Today, it symbolizes an initiate’s humility, and their commitment to Masonic ideals.


Symbol Code: SM000114     Symbol Name: Citipati (Lords of the Cemetery)   (Category: Death )

Citipati (Lords of the Cemetery)In Tibetan Buddhism, the Citipati, or “Lords of the Cemetery” are two mythological Buddhist ascetics, who were so deep in their meditation, they were caught unawares by a thief and beheaded even before they knew they were dead. As a symbol, the Chittipati represent the eternal dance of death, and perfect awareness.

They are usually depicted as a male/female pair of intertwined skeletons caught up in an ecstatic dance. The dance of the Citipati is commemorated twice annually in Tibet with ritual dances. The Citipati are invoked as ‘wrathful deities,’ benevolent protectors who appear as fierce beings with a demonic appearance.


Symbol Code: SM000115     Symbol Name: Kapala (Skull Cup, Thod-pa)   (Category: Death )

Kapala (Skull Cup, Thod-pa)In Tibetan Buddhism the kapala or thod-pa (both meaning “skull cup”) is a highly decorated cup or bowl made from a human skull for ritual use, and represents the symbolic destruction of evil entities. The cup is used to hold offerings of bread or wine, symbolizing blood and flesh, to “wrathful” deities. The kapala, like many implements of Tibetan Buddhism, may be a carryover from ancient practices of human sacrifice.

When creating a kapala, a skull is specially collected, prepared, and elaborately anointed and consecrated before use. Many are decorated with carvings, jewels, or silverwork. The kapala is one of several “charnel ground” implements made from human bone.


Symbol Code: SM000150     Symbol Name: NYAME NNWU NA MAWU   (Category: Death )

NYAME NNWU NA MAWUSymbol of God’s omnipresence and the perpetual existence of man’s spirit
This signifies the immortality of man’s soul, believed to be a part of God. Because the soul rests with God after death, it cannot die.


Symbol Code: SM000151     Symbol Name: Triquetra   (Category: Death )

TriquetraLatin meaning "three-cornered." It's a holy symbol, and it's meanings are many. It varies in its aspects of spirit, nature, being-ness, and of the cosmos.


Symbol Code: SM000152     Symbol Name: The Raven   (Category: Death )

The RavenThe Raven ravenBecause of their dark coloring and gruesome dietary habits, ravens were emblems war and death, and sacred to the gods and goddesses of the battlefield, most notably the warrior-god Bran and the war-goddess Morrigan. The raven acted as psychopomp, tasked with escorting the souls of the dead into the Otherworld. The ravens were sometimes viewed as the reincarnation of slain warriors and heroes.
Due to their close relationship with the gods, ravens were used for divinatory purposes and considered quite literally as the voices of the gods- the Otherworld deities Lugh and Midir are both accompanied by pairs of magical ravens. (This symbolism is echoed in Norse mythology, where the raven is the messenger of the father-god Odin) Images of three interlinked ravens are emblems of the triple goddesses of sovereignty, particularly the Morrigan.


Symbol Code: SM000153     Symbol Name: Crane   (Category: Death )

CraneThe crane was sacred to early Celts, who left behind many votive images of the bird. Manannan Mac Lir, the Irish god of the sea, who had a magical bag made from the the skin of a crane who was his lover magically transformed. The underworld god Midir owned three cranes to guard his home, and to see three cranes is an omen of death. The crane was also an emblem of envy, and Irish legend has many stories of women transformed into cranes by rivals. The crane also features in Christian legends, where transformation into a crane is a common punishment for disrespecting a saint or as penance for a variety of sins.


Symbol Code: SM000154     Symbol Name: Kolams   (Category: Death )

KolamsKolams (or kolem) are large, intricate apotropaic figures representing various Hindu deities and auspicious signs. Kolams are typically drawn on altars and outside of doorways. Similar to the veves of Vodoun, they are created on the ground with white powder (usually ground rice or powdered stone). They must be drawn unicursally (in one continuous line), so it is considered a skill to be able to complete one without pause. A colorful variant called Rangoli are drawn with powdered pigments or chalk.


Symbol Code: SM000155     Symbol Name: Pontos Riscados   (Category: Death )

Pontos RiscadosIn Brazilian Candomble and Umbanda religious practices, Pontos Riscados are sigils used in ritual to invoke the Orixas (gods). There are different riscados for each aspect of an Orixa.
These symbols are drawn on the ground during an invocation of an Orixa with colored chalks called pembes. The symbols bear a strong resemblance to the Goetic sigils used in Ritual magick, from which they are derived. They are related to the Veves of Vodoun and the Firmas of Palo. The emblem above is one of many belonging to Exu, the Orixa of the Crossroads.


Symbol Code: SM000156     Symbol Name: Feather of Ma’at   (Category: Death )

Feather of Ma’atThe ostrich feather is the emblem of the Egyptian Goddess embodying justice, Ma’at. Egyptians believed that at the time of death, the feather was weighed against the heart of the deceased.
A heart made heavy by sin outweighed the feather and was devoured by the monster Ammit, but a light heart meant the individual was free from sin and entitled to join Osiris in the underworld. (The origin of the phrase “light hearted.”)
The feather of Ma’at was adopted as a personal emblem of rock musician Robert Plant for use on the Led Zeppelin album “Four.”


Symbol Code: SM000304     Symbol Name: Keys of St. Peter   (Category: Death )

Keys of St. PeterThe image at right represents the Keys of St. Peter, an emblem of the Catholic Church which represents the divine authority invested in the apostle Peter before the death of Christ. As such, they are emblems of papal authority in the Catholic church.
A symbol that appears frequently in Christian art and in the arms of the Popes, the crossed keys were formerly an emblem of the Roman God Janus and the Mithraic Zurvan, both gods of time and keepers of doorways, and removers of obstacles.
It is this symbolism that led to the folk legend of Peter as the bureaucratic keeper of the “pearly gates”of heaven.


Symbol Code: SM000305     Symbol Name: Monstrance (Ostensoria)   (Category: Death )

Monstrance (Ostensoria)The monstrance is the ceremonial vessel used in during the Roman Catholic Mass to display the consecrated communion host. Although the monstrance has taken many shapes during the period of its use, it typically, takes the shape of a solar cross, with a clear central area made of glass or crystal. The host is usually placed in a small crescent shaped holder within the crystal, called a lunette due to its moon-like shape.
Upon the death of Pope John Paul II, the Vatican televised broadcast only an empty monstrance while preparing to announce the Pontiff’s passing.


Symbol Code: SM000306     Symbol Name: Seal of Saturn (Loshu, Sigil of Saturn)   (Category: Death )

Seal of Saturn (Loshu, Sigil of Saturn)The Seal of Saturn is a magical symbol representing the planet Saturn, and its ruling Sephira Binah.
The magical tradition of using seals or signatures for spiritual energies or entities is quite old (similar seals can be found on two thousand year old Coptic magical papyri). This particular example probably dates to medieval times, and is drawn from the kamea or “magic square” of Saturn, an ancient table of numbers believed to contain the magical essence of Saturn. The magic square of Saturn is a table of the numbers one through nine, arranged in such a way that all rows add to 15. The seal is created by tracing the numbers in the square in order.


Symbol Code: SM000307     Symbol Name: Symbols of Death   (Category: Death )

Symbols of DeathMedieval and Renaissance art made use of a number of emblems to symbolize death and mortality. Although a central theme of Christianity for hundreds of years the was triumph over death, the onset of the black plague altered public perception, and the emphasis was placed on the triumph of death over life and the necessity of repentance. Symbols of resurrection common in Christian art became less popular as reminders of the impermanence of life and the punishments of hell became ubiquitous.


Symbol Code: SM000308     Symbol Name: Scythe   (Category: Death )

ScytheThe most common symbols of mortality were the grim reaper and his scythe, the death’s head, and the hourglass, all appropriated from icons of Greek and Roman Paganism. Slogans such as “remember death” and “all is vanity” were omnipresent- death was around the corner, and one had better repent if one was to avoid an eternity of damnation. The source of these macabre symbols was, ironically, the paganism that Christianity had supposedly replaced.


Symbol Code: SM000309     Symbol Name: The Hourglass   (Category: Death )

The HourglassThe hourglass is another emblem of time, although hidden within is the promise of life- because the hourglass is reversible, it held within a promise of resurrection, a symbolism not lost on everyone- all of these emblems later became symbols of resurrection to Freemasons and Rosicrucians who grasped their true ancient meanings.


Symbol Code: SM000310     Symbol Name: The Skull   (Category: Death )

The SkullThe skull was a frequent companion to ascetic desert saints in numerous Christian artworks, and was often paired with the book, a symbol of studiousness. In this manifestation, the death’s head was less ominous, and symbolized the rejection of the impermanent material world for the life of the spirit. Mary Magdalene is probably the best known example of these two emblems in art.


Symbol Code: SM000311     Symbol Name: Death Symbol   (Category: Death )

Death SymbolSome scholars theorize that the appropriation of ancient symbolism was a subconscious (or even deliberate) attempt to appease the old gods.
In later times, death was depicted as a process of the alchemical arts. Common alchemical emblems included the crow, the skull, and the tomb as symbols of the necessary death of the ego/personality.


Symbol Code: SM000312     Symbol Name: Fasces (Colon)   (Category: Death )

Fasces (Colon)The word fasces comes from the the Roman word meaning bundle. The fasces itself is an axe or pointed weapon surrounded by bundled rods of wood- usually elm. It’s original use and true meaning is lost, although it probably originated as a phallic emblem.
The fasces was a symbol of authority in ancient Rome, most often associated with magistrates. Bundles of rods without a weapon were called bacilli, the emblem of the duumviri, magistrates without the power to pass a sentence of death. It is supposed that the bundles rods represented the unified people; the axe, authority and power.


Symbol Code: SM000313     Symbol Name: The Angel Moroni   (Category: Death )

The Angel MoroniThe image of the Angel Moroni serves as a ubiquitous, if unofficial, emblem of the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons). According to the Book of Mormon, Moroni was the son of Mormon, the last Nephite* military leader and prophet who completed and concealed the Book of Mormon. Upon his death, according to LDS theology, Moroni was resurrected and became an angelic messenger.

It was Moroni who appeared to the LDS founder Joseph Smith, and revealed to him the location of the hidden scripture.


Symbol Code: SM000314     Symbol Name: Heartagram (H.I.M.)   (Category: Death )

Heartagram (H.I.M.)The Heartagram was originally created as a logo by the self described “Love Metal” band HIM. It combines a heart with a pentagram, and according to band members, represents the juxtaposition of love and hate/anger, or life and death. The symbol is sported as a tattoo by many HIM fans, including professional skater and “Jackass” stuntman Bam Margera.
Note: A similar-looking symbol, with heart and triangle interlaced, is sometimes worn as a decorative embellishment of the Star of David.


Symbol Code: SM000315     Symbol Name: Sigil of Lucifer (“Seal of Satan”)   (Category: Death )

Sigil of Lucifer (“Seal of Satan”)The Sigil of Lucifer is a lesser known historical magical sigil used occasionally as an emblem by modern Satanists. The image originates in the sixteenth century Italian Grimoirium Verum, or “Grimoire of Truth.” Used in conjunction with other symbols, its original purpose of the sigil was to aid in a visual invocation of the angel Lucifer.
The figure is probably derived from an earlier work, most likely drawn from a magic square whose origins are now lost. The emblem is sometimes referred to as the “Seal of satan,” although this is not a historical usage.


Symbol Code: SM000316     Symbol Name: Triqueta of fish from an Egyptian bowl   (Category: Death )

Triqueta of fish from an Egyptian bowlThe triquetra (sometimes, triqueta) is a tripartate symbol composed of three interlocked vesica pisces, marking the intersection of three circles. It is most commonly a symbol of the Holy Trinity (Father, son, Holy spirit) used by the Celtic Christian Church, sometimes stylized as three interlaced fish.


Symbol Code: SM000317     Symbol Name: Chi-Rho (labarum, Constantine’s cross, Christogram, Monogram of Christ)   (Category: Death )

Chi-Rho (labarum, Constantine’s cross, Christogram, Monogram of Christ)The Chi-Rho emblem can be viewed as the first Christian Cross.
As a pre-Christian symbol, the Chi-rho signified good fortune. The Chi ro became an important Christian symbol when adopted by the Roman Emperor Constantine, representing the first two letters in the name of Christ- the Chi, or ‘ch,’ and Rho, or ‘r.’ According to Church Father Eusebius, on the eve of the Battle of the Milvan Bridge, the Emperor saw the emblem in a dream, with the inscription, “By this sign, you shall conquer.” According to the story, the battle was won. In return for the victory, Constantine legalized the religion and erected Christian churches.


Symbol Code: SM000318     Symbol Name: Wawa aba (Wawa seed)   (Category: Death )

Wawa aba (Wawa seed)"seed of the wawa tree"
symbol of hardiness, toughness and perseverance
The seed of the wawa tree is extremely hard. In Akan culture, it is a symbol of someone who is strong and tough. It inspires the individual to persevere through hardship.


Symbol Code: SM000485     Symbol Name: Spider Symbol   (Category: Death )

Spider SymbolThe Spider symbol featured strongly in the Mississippian culture of the Mound Builders and the legends and mythology of the Native American tribes. Spider Woman, or Spider Grandmother, strongly feature in Hopi myths served as a messenger and teacher for the Creator and was an intercessor between deity and the people. The spider woman taught people how to weave and the spider symbolized creativity and was the weaver of the fabric of life.


Symbol Code: SM000486     Symbol Name: Cactus Symbol   (Category: Death )

Cactus SymbolThe Cactus is native to arid regions of America and is a plant which is adapted to extremely dry and hot environments having the ability to conserve water. The meaning of the Cactus symbol was to signify the desert. However, the cactus plant and in particular the yellow cactus flower symbolizes warmth, protection and endurance. The cactus flower is a symbol of maternal love because it can endure and thrive in harsh conditions and therefore symbolic of a mother's unconditional love. A mother's protective qualities conveyed by the cactus flower due to its medicinal properties. The pulp and juice was used to treat numerous wounds and sickness due to digestive inflammations.


Symbol Code: SM000487     Symbol Name: Shaman Symbol   (Category: Death )

Shaman SymbolThe Religion, Ceremonies and Beliefs of the American Native Indians were dominated by shamanism in which a religious leader, called a Shaman, acted as a medium between the visible world and the spirit world. Two Paiute prophets, or shamans, named Wodziwob and Wovoka, introduced the Ghost Dance in a mystical ceremony designed to re-establish the native culture and restore the environment to pre-European levels.


Symbol Code: SM000488     Symbol Name: Gila Monster Symbol   (Category: Death )

Gila Monster SymbolThe meaning of the Gila Monster symbol was to signify preservation and survival and used as a sign of the desert. The Gila monster had different meanings according to tribal traditions. The Apache tribe believed that its breath could kill a man and the Pima believed that it possessed a spiritual power that could cause sickness but the Seri and the Yaqui tribes believed that the hide of the Gila monster had healing properties.


Symbol Code: SM000489     Symbol Name: Great Spirit Symbol   (Category: Death )

Great Spirit SymbolThe meaning of the Great Spirit symbol was to signify the divine power that created the world. The Great Spirit was the principal deity in the religion of many Native American peoples. A reference name for God. Names for the Great Spirit are given by some Indian tribes. 'Gitchi Manitou' is the name given by Algonquian speaking tribes. 'Wakan Tanka' is the name given by the Sioux which translates as the Great Mystery. The Blackfoot tribe make reference to the Great Spirit or Great Mystery as "Old Man" and "Ababinili" is how the Great Spirit is "known" by the Chickasaw tribe. The Great Spirit symbol shows a depiction known in Western culture as the Eye of Providence (or the all-seeing eye of God) representing the eye of God watching over humankind.


Symbol Code: SM000490     Symbol Name: Grave Post Symbols   (Category: Death )

Grave Post SymbolsGrave Post Symbols were not a complete record of the life of the deceased and often only used as a memory aid to those who knew his story and understood the meanings of the symbols that had been used. Grave Post Symbols are a form of picture writing, or Pictogram, which uses symbols to tell a story. The grave post symbols bore pictures or marks telling about the dead man. His totem animal was often represented, usually upside down to indicate that the bearer of the emblem was dead.


Symbol Code: SM000491     Symbol Name: Drum Symbol   (Category: Death )

Drum SymbolThe meaning of the Drum symbol was to signify the heartbeat of mother earth. American Indian drums were of great influence and importance, they are used in various ways to interact with a higher power known to most as the Great Spirit.


Symbol Code: SM000492     Symbol Name: Eye of a Medicine Man Symbol   (Category: Death )

Eye of a Medicine Man SymbolThe picture shows a Medicine Man of the Blackfoot tribe. Native American symbols are geometric portrayals of celestial bodies, natural phenomena and animal designs. The meaning of the Eye of a Medicine Man symbol is a very powerful symbol.


Symbol Code: SM000493     Symbol Name: Fire Symbol   (Category: Death )

Fire SymbolFire played an important in the traditions of Native Americans and was present in all ceremonies and rituals. Fire acts as a Messenger and is a gift from the Great Spirit. Smoke for the fire was used to cleanses sacred items, such as drums, shakers, pipes, before ceremonial use. Fire symbolized the heart of the People and its smoke, which could also be created in a pipe, carried prayers to the Great Spirit. The Fire Symbol represents cleansing and renewal because out of the ashes of a fire comes new growth and new thoughts and ideas.


Symbol Code: SM000494     Symbol Name: Fox Symbol   (Category: Death )

Fox SymbolThe fox is one such animal. The Northern woodland tribes viewed the fox as a benign animal. To these tribes the fox was a noble and wise animal symbolizing the gift of anticipation, observation and stealth. The Indian tribes of the Great Plains take a different view believing that the fox was a Trickster playing pranks or, even worse, would lead a person to their death.


Symbol Code: SM000495     Symbol Name: Mexican Fish Symbol   (Category: Death )

Mexican Fish SymbolThe meaning of the Many Fish symbol was to signify water and the flow of life from the Earth. The single most important food to the survival of the Plateau people was the Pacific Salmon. The men of the tribes were the hunters of fish whilst the women prepared the food for the family. Fish was died and smoked in order to preserve food for the winter months.


Symbol Code: SM000496     Symbol Name: Panther Symbol   (Category: Death )

Panther SymbolThe Panther symbol featured strongly in the Mississippian culture. The Panther was believed to be a supernatural deity who resided in the Underworld with the spirits associated with death and destruction. The Panther is seen as a malevolent being or monster who fights then devours his enemies and was strongly associated with warfare. These creatures, or monsters, were referred to as "water panthers". As monsters of the Underworld they were locked in a never-ending war with the supernatural creatures of the sky (the Upperworld). Their battles were responsible for earthquakes, tornadoes and thunderstorms, they were Masters of the Rain which is why they are called "water panthers". The panther symbol picture above shows these creatures with horns.


Symbol Code: SM000497     Symbol Name: Raccoon Symbol   (Category: Death )

Raccoon SymbolThe Raccoon symbol was seen as a magical icon as it was perceived to be an expert at disguise and secrecy. It wears masks for a variety of purposes and is able to disguise and transform itself. The masked face and ringed tale are the most distinctive part of their appearance. Abenaki mythology tells of a foolish, but benign, trickster raccoon called Azeban who is always looking for food. In other tribes the raccoon symbolizes curiosity, adaptability and resourcefulness.


Symbol Code: SM000498     Symbol Name: Wolf Symbol   (Category: Death )

Wolf SymbolThe meaning of the Wolf symbol is to symbolize direction and leadership and the wolf symbol also embodied both protection and destruction. The Wolf symbol signified strength, endurance, Instinct linked with intelligence, family values and believed to give guidance in dreams and meditation. For additional information refer to Power Animals. Many American Indians considered themselves descended from wolves, and thus worshiped the wolf as both a god and an ancestor. According to the Pawnee creation myth, the wolf was the first creature to experience death. Some tribes believed that the timber wolves, howling at the moon, were spiritual beings that could speak to the gods and impart magical powers.


Symbol Code: SM000499     Symbol Name: Yei Symbol   (Category: Death )

Yei SymbolThe meaning of the Yei symbol represents the Navajo Yei Spirit who mediates between humans and the Great Spirit. The term Yei derives from the word Yeibicheii meaning the Holy People. Navajo Yei (Yeii) spirits, or deities, are believed to control elements such as the rain, snow, wind and sun and control the night and day. Most of the Navajo deities can be either beneficial or harmful to the Earth Surface People, depending on their mood or impulse or on how they are approached.


Symbol Code: SM000500     Symbol Name: Seraphim (Seraphs)   (Category: Death )

Seraphim (Seraphs)Seraphim in Hebrew means “flaming serpents.” In Judeo-Christian tradition, the Seraphim are the order of angels who surround the Throne of the Presence. They appear by name in the bible only once, in the vision of Isaiah:
“… I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and his train filled the temple. Above him stood the Seraphim; each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.”
The Seraphs are also referred in the apocryphal Book of Enoch, and are associated with the “fiery serpents” who assaulted the Israelites in the Book of Numbers.


Symbol Code: SM000501     Symbol Name: Poisoned Cup (Cup of St. John)   (Category: Death )

Poisoned Cup (Cup of St. John)The poisoned cup is an emblem of the Catholic saint John the Evangelist. The symbols stems from the popular miracle story whereby at HJohn’s blessing, the poison in a cup of wine intended for his consumption is transformed into a serpent.
Interestingly, the image of a serpent rising from a cup is described in a vision of Isis in the Golden Ass of Apuleius:
“In her left hand was a golden cup, from the top of whose slender handle rose an asp, towering with head erect and its throat distended on both sides. ”


Symbol Code: SM000502     Symbol Name: Pomegranate   (Category: Death )

PomegranateThe pomegranate (Latin, pomum granatus, “seeded apple”) was first cultivated by the ancient Phoenicians, who used the jewel-like fruit as both food and medicine. The many seeds made the fruit an obvious emblem of fertility, and by association, love and marriage. The pomegranate is associated with a number of goddesses, including Astarte, Cybele, Hera, and especially Persephone, whose ingestion of just one of the fruit’s seeds (a probable allusion to pregnancy) made her an eternal prisoner of Hades.


Symbol Code: SM000503     Symbol Name: Scapular   (Category: Death )

ScapularThe Scapular is a device resembling two postage stamps connected with strings, and usually bearing images or emblems of the Virgin Mary. Called a ‘scapular’ because it is designed to hang between the shoulder blades, the amulet is patterned after the aprons of medieval monks and nuns.
The scapular is usually worn to show devotion to the Virgin Mary, and some believe that if one dies while wearing the scapular, one will be saved from hell, a tradition that stems from the practice of granting scapulars to lay supporters of an order. Scapulars from different orders come in different colors and with differing symbolism; some come with special obligations of prayer and other practices.


Symbol Code: SM000504     Symbol Name: Iao Sabaoth   (Category: Death )

Iao Sabaoth“The names of Iao, Sabaoth, Adonai, Eloai belong to the God of the Hebrews. Iao Sabaoth represents “JHVH (Jahveh) of hosts”; but in Gnostic and magical texts Sabaoth is often treated, not as a modifier of Jahveh, but as the name of an independent being. Adonai is “Lord”; Eloai represents Elohim, God. Iao and Sabaoth occur both together and separately on many scores of magical amulets.”


Symbol Code: SM000505     Symbol Name: Four Evangelists (Tetramorphs)   (Category: Death )

Four Evangelists (Tetramorphs)The tetramorphs (Greek, four forms) were four angelic beings, drawn from much earlier Babylonian symbolism, described in a vision of the Hebrew Prophet Ezekiel:
“As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle “
The beasts are later described in the Revelation of John: “And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.”


Symbol Code: SM000589     Symbol Name: Egyptian Symbols for Death   (Category: Death )

Egyptian Symbols for DeathAncient Egyptian Symbols for Death The noun for death, is clearly depicted in the explicit determinative (at the end). Some say the word is pronounced "mout", others suggest "moot".


Symbol Code: SM000590     Symbol Name: Seax Wica   (Category: Death )

Seax WicaSeax-Wica is a tradition, or denomination, of the neopagan religion of Wicca which is largely inspired by the iconography of the historical Anglo-Saxon paganism, though, unlike Theodism, it is not a reconstruction of the early mediaeval religion itselfSeax Wica is a tradition founded in the 1970s by author Raymond Buckland. It is inspired by the Saxon religion of old, but is specifically not a reconstructionist tradition. The symbol of the tradition represents the moon, the sun, and the eight Wiccan sabbats.


Symbol Code: SM000591     Symbol Name: The Gorgon   (Category: Death )

The GorgonThe Gorgon In Greek mythology, a so called gorgon, transl. gorgo or gorgon, "terrible" or, according to some, "loud-roaring" was a vicious female monster with sharp fangs who was a protective deity from early religious concepts. Her power was so strong that anyone attempting to look upon her would be turned to stone; therefore, such images were put upon items from temples to wine kraters for protection. The Gorgon wore a belt of serpents that intertwined as a clasp, confronting each other. There were three of them: Medusa, Stheno and Euryale. Only Medusa was mortal, the other two are immortal.


Symbol Code: SM000592     Symbol Name: The labyrinth   (Category: Death )

The labyrinthThe labyrinth In Greek mythology, the Labyrinth (Greek labyrinthos) was an elaborate structure designed and built by the legendary artificer Daedalus for King Minos of Crete at Knossos. Its function was to hold the Minotaur, a creature that was half man and half bull and was eventually killed by the Athenian hero Theseus. Daedalus had made the Labyrinth so cunningly that he himself could barely escape it after he built it. Theseus was aided by Ariadne, who provided him with a fateful thread, literally the "clew", or "clue", to wind his way back again.


Symbol Code: SM000593     Symbol Name: The bowl of Hygeia   (Category: Death )

The bowl of HygeiaThe bowl of Hygeia The “Bowl of Hygeia” symbol is the most widely recognized international symbol of pharmacy. In Greek mythology, Hygeia was the daughter and assistant of Aesculapius (sometimes spelled Asklepios), the God of Medicine and Healing. Hygeia's classical symbol was a bowl containing a medicinal potion with the serpent of Wisdom (or guardianship) partaking it. This is the same serpent of Wisdom, which appears on the caduceus, the staff of Aesculapius, which is the symbol of medicine.


Symbol Code: SM000594     Symbol Name: The Asclepius Wand   (Category: Death )

The Asclepius WandThe asclepius wand, or asclepius rod is is an ancient Greek symbol associated with astrology and with healing the sick through medicine. The rod of Asclepius symbolizes the healing arts by combining the serpent, which in shedding its skin is a symbol of rebirth and fertility, with the staff, a symbol of authority befitting the god of Medicine. The snake wrapped around the staff is widely claimed to be a species of rat snake, Elaphe longissima, also known as the Aesculapian or Asclepian snake. It is native to southeastern Europe, Asia Minor, and some central European spa regions, apparently brought there by Romans for their healing properties.


Symbol Code: SM000595     Symbol Name: Tunnel   (Category: Death )

TunnelDream symbol meaning of Tunnels deals with birth, and sometimes death. Tunnels in our dreams ask us to look back to a starting point. In Tunnels we often encounter our deepest mind - our unconscious thoughts. Tunnels encourage us to follow a path into the unknown. They are a message for us to begin exploring our own concepts of life, death, and birth.


Symbol Code: SM000596     Symbol Name: Anubis Mural   (Category: Death )

Anubis MuralAnubis Mural - The mural was found in the burial chamber of Sennedjem, an eminent artisan who worked on the pharaohs’ tombs. Sennedjem’s tomb was found fully intact in 1886 in the Valley of the Kings. The mural depicts the Egyptian God of the afterlife, Anubis tending to Sennedjem’s casket. This jackal-headed God was associated with guiding the souls of the dead to the afterlife and also performing judgment on the deeds done by the deceased by weighing the heart against the Ma’at.


Symbol Code: SM000597     Symbol Name: Monstrance (Ostensoria)   (Category: Death )

Monstrance (Ostensoria)The monstrance is the ceremonial vessel used in during the Roman Catholic Mass to display the consecrated communion host. Although the monstrance has taken many shapes during the period of its use, it typically, takes the shape of a solar cross, with a clear central area made of glass or crystal. The host is usually placed in a small crescent shaped holder within the crystal, called a lunette due to its moon-like shape.


Symbol Code: SM000598     Symbol Name: V.I.T.R.I.O.L (Masonic/Alchemical Motto)   (Category: Death )

V.I.T.R.I.O.L (Masonic/Alchemical Motto)In chemistry, vitriol is iron or copper sulfate salts and their derivative, sulfuric acid. The name comes from the Latin for “glassy,” after the resemblance of iron sulfate to shards of green glass. Vitriol is symbolized alchemically as the “green lion,” a poisonous substance that appears when metal is degraded by acid. Sulfuric acid, or oil of vitriol, was used in the synthesis of the lapis philosophorum- the Philosopher’s Stone. One unique peoperty of sulfuric acid is the dissolution of metals- all except for gold, on which it has no effect.


Symbol Code: SM000599     Symbol Name: Saturn   (Category: Death )

SaturnThis lower "crescent" portion of the Saturn symbol is also reminiscent of a scythe or sickle. These are of particular interest because the symbolism of the planet Saturn (and the agricultural Roman god Saturn) often addresses themes of death. Note that in the archetype of death, this personification carries the sickle to acknowledge the opportune moment of harvesting current life.


Symbol Code: SM000650     Symbol Name: Welsh Dragon (Y Ddraig Goch- The Red Dragon)   (Category: Death )

Welsh Dragon (Y Ddraig Goch- The Red Dragon)The ubiquitous Welsh Dragon at left is the national symbol of Wales. This particular image appears on the flag of Wales and is derived from an ancient standard of the Tudor family, which is in turn derived from the ‘Draco’ standard of the Roman Legion.
Although attempts have been made to link the dragon with Arthurian tales of Merlin and his prophetic vision of battling dragons- red for Wales and white for England- the emblem has been in use in Wales for at least twelve hundred years.


Symbol Code: SM000651     Symbol Name: Cross Fitchy (Cross fitchée)   (Category: Death )

Cross Fitchy (Cross fitchée)The cross fitchy (from the French, “fixed”) originated as a cross with a pointed bottom, designed for use by traveling Crusaders, with a sharpened point that could be thrust into the ground.

Because its shape resembles a sword, it became an apt symbol of the Crusader’s faith, and their willingness to use force in its cause.


Symbol Code: SM000652     Symbol Name: The Sacred Chao   (Category: Death )

The Sacred ChaoA symbol of Discordianism, take-off of the phrase “sacred cow.” Pictured in the Principia Discorida, an anonymous satirical book that pokes fun at religion and magick, it is described:
The Sacred Chao symbolizes absolutely everything anyone need ever know about absolutely anything, and more! It even symbolizes everything not worth knowing, depicted by the empty space surrounding the Hodge-Podge.”


Symbol Code: SM000653     Symbol Name: Chalice Well at Glastonbury   (Category: Death )

Chalice Well at GlastonburyThis is a simplified image of the design that graces the cover of the Chalice Well at Glastonbury, designed in the nineteenth century by archaeologist Bligh Bond. Crafted of wrought iron and wood, it depicts the Vesica Pisces, a symbol of the divine feminine, and Excalibur, the sword of the legendary King Arthur, who is believed by some to be buried at Glastonbury.


Symbol Code: SM000653A     Symbol Name: Skull   (Category: Death )

SkullLong seen as a symbol of humanity's mortality - the skull is a symbol that all things change and transition. Some cultures see the skull as the seat of the mind - the home of our thoughts. In this case, we can translate the skull to mean the death of unwanted thoughts.


Symbol Code: SM000653B     Symbol Name: Flag   (Category: Death )

FlagWhen we consider the cards on which the flag is featured (Death, Sun & Judgment) we get a good concept of its symbol meanings. The flag is an announcement to change - something has shifted and a flag makes the world aware of this shift. It is a bright, bold obvious sign that a new day is dawning. This is not about subtle shifts - the flag is about "in-your-face" transformation; an event to announce to all who will hear.


Symbol Code: SM000653C     Symbol Name: Keys of St. Peter   (Category: Death )

Keys of St. PeterThe image at right represents the Keys of St. Peter, an emblem of the Catholic Church which represents the divine authority invested in the apostle Peter before the death of Christ. As such, they are emblems of papal authority in the Catholic church.
A symbol that appears frequently in Christian art and in the arms of the Popes, the crossed keys were formerly an emblem of the Roman God Janus and the Mithraic Zurvan, both gods of time and keepers of doorways, and removers of obstacles.
It is this symbolism that led to the folk legend of Peter as the bureaucratic keeper of the “pearly gates”of heaven.


Symbol Code: SM000668 A     Symbol Name: Arsenic   (Category: Death )

ArsenicArsenic is a chemical element. This is a notorious poisonous metalloid that has three allotropic forms; yellow, black and grey. Arsenic and its compounds are used as pesticides, herbicides, insecticides and various alloys. The elemental alchemy symbol arsenic was used for medicinal and magical cures. A compound of arsenic and sulpher were said to induce trances of enlightenment and philosphical ascention and direction.


Symbol Code: SM000668 B     Symbol Name: Copper   (Category: Death )

CopperThis is one of several alchemy symbols for copper (the other being traditional Venus symbol). Copper is a reddish-coloured metal, with a high electrical and thermal conductivity (among pure metals at room temperature, only silver has a higher electrical conductivity). Copper may well be the oldest metal in use, as copper artifacts dating to 8700 BC have been found Copper was associated with the goddess Aphrodite/Venus in mythology and alchemy, owing to its lustrous beauty, its ancient use in producing mirrors, and its association with Cyprus, which was sacred to the goddess. The elemental alchemy symbol for copper is also the planetary symbol for Venus. As such, this symbol embodies such characteristics as love, balance, feminine beauty, and artistic creativity.


Symbol Code: SM000668 C     Symbol Name: Gold   (Category: Death )

GoldAs a transitional metal, gold is symbolic of flexibility on our spiritual path while life experience galvanizes our faith.
One of the more valued elements, gold represents perfection in all matter, on any level. It also symbolizes humankind’s quest to perfect, illuminate and refine his/herself.
Because of its resistance to heat and acid, gold is a symbol of immutability, eternity and perfection.


Symbol Code: SM000668 D     Symbol Name: Iron   (Category: Death )

IronIron is a most abundant metal, and is believed to be the tenth most abundant element in the universe. In alchemy, iron is representative of the planet mars in astrology. As such, iron rules physical strength, and symbolizes predominantly male energy. It is also noteworthy that the symbol for iron is also one in the same symbol for male. Philosophically, iron represents a need to temper primal urges while at the same to embracing the fire within.


Symbol Code: SM000685 A     Symbol Name: Lead   (Category: Death )

LeadLead has a bright luster and is a dense, ductile, very soft, highly malleable, bluish-white metal that has poor electrical conductivity. This true metal is highly resistant to corrosion. As an alchemy symbol, lead is the ruler of the dark, lustreless prime matter. It is Governed by saturn and combined with silerver it is said to create a purified element called the Philosophic Mercury.


Symbol Code: SM000685 B     Symbol Name: Magnesium   (Category: Death )

MagnesiumMagnesium is a fairly strong, silvery-white, light-weight metal (one third lighter than aluminium) that slightly tarnishes when exposed to air. It is difficult to ignite in bulk, though it is easy to light if it is shaved into thin strips. Once ignited, it is difficult to extinguish. It is the difficulty of extinguishing that makes this elemental alchemy symbol so appealing because it represents eternity, infinite flame, and ascension.


Symbol Code: SM000685 C     Symbol Name: Phosphorus   (Category: Death )

PhosphorusCommon phosphorus forms a waxy white solid that has a characteristic disagreeable smell. Pure forms of the element are colorless and transparent. This non metal is not soluble in water, but it is soluble in carbon disulfide. Pure phosphorus ignites spontaneously in air and burns to phosphorus pentoxide. The elemental alchemy symbol phosphorus traps light, and thus it is reputed that the alchemy symbol for phosphorus represents spiritual illumination.


Symbol Code: SM000685 D     Symbol Name: Platinum   (Category: Death )

PlatinumThe metal is a beautiful silvery-white when pure, and malleable and ductile. The metal is corrosion-resistant. In the realm of philosphical elemental alchemy symbols, platinum was revered for its endurance. Platinum represents determination, grit, and seeing our manifistations to completion.


Symbol Code: SM000703 A     Symbol Name: Silver   (Category: Death )

SilverSilver is a very ductile and malleable (slightly harder than gold) univalent coinage metal with a brilliant white metallic luster that can take a high degree of polish. It has the highest electrical conductivity of all metals, even higher than copper, but its greater cost has prevented it from being widely used in place of copper for electrical purposes. In alchemy, silver is one of the three base metals often used as prima material at the inception of a work. Further, the alchemy symbol of silver is associated with the moon. As such, silver holds philosophical traits of the feminine persuasion as well as attributes of intuition, inner wisdom, and contemplation. Furthermore, profound artistic expression can be harness by using silver.


Symbol Code: SM000703 B     Symbol Name: Sulfur   (Category: Death )

SulfurIt is an abundant, tasteless, odorless, multivalent non-metal. Sulfur, in its native form, is a yellow crystaline solid. In nature, it can be found as the pure element or as sulfide and sulfate minerals. It is an essential element for life and is found in several amino acids. Also considered a transcendent elemental alchemy symbol – sulfer represents the multiplicity of human nature and the eternal aspiration to reach enlightenment. As indicated by the symbol, sulfur represents the triad of ascention – which can be viewed as a holy trinity. Sulfur is also one of the three heaveny substances in alchemical science (the other two being salt, and mercury.


Symbol Code: SM000703 C     Symbol Name: Tin   (Category: Death )

TinTin is a malleable, ductile, highly crystalline, silvery-white metal whose crystal structure causes a "tin cry" when a bar of tin is bent (caused by crystals breaking). Tin acts as a catalyst when oxygen is in solution and helps accelerate chemical attack. Tin as an elemental alchemy symbol is representative of the planet Jupiter. Being ruled by Jupiter, puts tin in connection with breath, and can be philosphically viewed as the breath of life. Tin also adds a philophical lesson to life that standing alone it is weaker than if it is combined with another alchemy symbol element.


Symbol Code: SM000703 D     Symbol Name: Zinc   (Category: Death )

ZincZinc is a moderately reactive metal that will combine with oxygen and other non- metals, and will react with dilute acids to release hydrogen. Alchemists prepared philosopher's wool by burning the metal zinc in air. Philosopher's wool was zinc oxide, which was also sometimes called nix alba (white snow).


Symbol Code: SM000708 A     Symbol Name: Red chakra colour   (Category: Death )

Red chakra colourRed chakra color meanings:
The first, the root and base chakra. Just like the core of Mother Earth, it pulses and swells with bright crimson radiant heat. That red is a clear sign of visceral, primitive power. It's the sparking place for big blasts of raw creation. When you see red, consider a sonic boom of powerful action propelling you forward. Consider this the spark of action. Make this hot red heat the seat of your physical, spiritual, emotional birth. This is the hot coal of your perception, and it's a great fuel-maker for whatever you want to start cooking.


Symbol Code: SM000708 B     Symbol Name: Orange chakra color   (Category: Death )

Orange chakra colorOrange chakra color meanings:
The second, sacral chakra. We've got a nice glow on here. From the "pow!" of our red roots we move into a more sophisticated stage of creativity. This is our moment to sculpt our rawness, and refine ourselves into illumed orbs of creative beauties. In silky waves of orange we become aware of our physical-ness and begin to make prime connections about the magnificence of our bodies. Orange speaks to us about exploration - new additives are mixed with raw matter, and this is where we conjugate. Here we embrace polarities, consume them, and learn the choreography in the dance of unity.


Symbol Code: SM000708 C     Symbol Name: Blue chakra color   (Category: Death )

Blue chakra colorBlue chakra color meanings:
The fifth, throat chakra. Continuing the epic adventure through the chakras, we've moved through the filtering train station of the heart and now we're asked to take what we learned on a pulmonary level and express it into our surroundings. We've dreamed the dream of creation, now we are on the path to expressing that dream outwardly. Swimming in these beautiful blue seas we find new connections, and discover true joy is in sharing and communicating our discoveries. When blue hues fill our visions it indicates our willingness to see solutions in everything. Our resources are made known, our expression are clarified like crystals, and we convey ourselves with a mix of playfulness and natural authority.


Symbol Code: SM000708 D     Symbol Name: Indigo chakra color   (Category: Death )

Indigo chakra colorIndigo chakra color meanings:
The sixth, third eye chakra. We know more fully all the depth of chakra connectivity. In indigo pools of depth and contemplation we see more clearly how energy runs together. Indigo is an oceanic orifice - always present - just waiting for us to dive in to discover the behavior and rhythms of energy itself. When we swim round its ripples, we see all energy is interrelated, each nuance a partner, each ringlet interlinking depth and texture to the story of our existence. When we see with indigo vision we don our x-ray glasses to peer past the veil of illusion. All is revealed. Awareness is found in the deep purple folds of our innermost selves. It's like we've returned to our red chakra roots, come up through ourselves by way of the chakra spine only to meet ourselves again with new understanding.


Symbol Code: SM000712 A     Symbol Name: Violet chakra color   (Category: Death )

Violet chakra colorViolet chakra color meanings:
The seventh, crown chakra. Like the first violet crocus opening up to the light of a new spring, our awareness pulls itself up out from the strata of matter, layers of time, and levels of perception. No experience can compare or relate to this one. We recognize, with surreal objectivity, that our outward spanning and unfolding petals of consciousness is not an achievement. Rather, the unfolding has been happening all along. It's as if a grand, orchestrated momentum of expanding energy has been surging in our conscious background all the time. It is only when we hopped over a few fences of reality that we see we had access to this surging growth all the time. Violet is the culmination of our time, place and being. In this luscious lotus of life, we realize our progress is not hammered, merely channeled. Indeed, violet asks us to simply be, because we have always been, and our expansion is inevitable.


Symbol Code: SM000712 B     Symbol Name: Celtic Meaning of the Birch Tree   (Category: Death )

Celtic Meaning of the Birch TreeCeltic Meaning of the Birch Tree
Listen closely and you will detect whispers of transformation and growth in the midst of the birch groves within your soul.
The birch is highly adaptive and able to sustain harsh conditions with casual indifference. Proof of this adaptability is seen in its easy and eager ability to repopulate areas damaged by forest fires or clearings. Bright and beautiful, the birch is a pioneer, courageously taking root and starting anew to revive the landscape where no other would before.


Symbol Code: SM000717     Symbol Name: The Celtic Rowan Tree and its Ogham Meanings   (Category: Death )

The Celtic Rowan Tree and
its Ogham MeaningsThe Celtic Rowan Tree and
its Ogham Meanings

The rowan has long been honored by the Celts for its balance of beauty and hardiness.

When we silence ourselves long enough to listen to the rowan speak, we hear her message: "look deeper, see through the object before your eyes and you will encounter visions into the worlds beyond the one you physically know."


Symbol Code: SM000718     Symbol Name: Celtic Alder Tree Meaning   (Category: Death )

Celtic Alder Tree MeaningCeltic Alder Tree Meaning
The Celtic meaning of the Alder deals with giving and nurturing among the sacred Ogham for many reasons.
Namely, its root system provides rich nutrients to the soil, more so than other trees. The alder can successfully restore poor soil conditions back to healthy Ph levels.
Primarily a wetlands and swamp tree, the alder's root system is often submerged in watery areas. As such, the Celts observed their roots serving as intricate shelter systems to fish, specifically trout and salmon. Further, the alder's leaves easily decompose in the water providing rich nutrients to all manner of water creatures.


Symbol Code: SM000806     Symbol Name: Skull   (Category: Death )

SkullLong seen as a symbol of humanity's mortality - the skull is a symbol that all things change and transition. Some cultures see the skull as the seat of the mind - the home of our thoughts. In this case, we can translate the skull to mean the death of unwanted thoughts.


Symbol Code: SM000807     Symbol Name: Flag   (Category: Death )

FlagWhen we consider the cards on which the flag is featured (Death, Sun & Judgment) we get a good concept of its symbol meanings. The flag is an announcement to change - something has shifted and a flag makes the world aware of this shift. It is a bright, bold obvious sign that a new day is dawning. This is not about subtle shifts - the flag is about "in-your-face" transformation; an event to announce to all who will hear.


Symbol Code: SM000808     Symbol Name: Poppy Symbolism   (Category: Death )

Poppy SymbolismIn Christianity, poppy symbolism is recruited to represent death as a period of tranquil slumber. This association is seen in metaphor as the red petals of the poppy symbolize the blood of a sacrificed Christ. Themes of resurrection and immortality (salvation of the soul) blossom as the poppy (and the spirit) never really die, just renew and ascend.


Symbol Code: SM000809     Symbol Name: Koala   (Category: Death )

KoalaKoala-energy may seem an unlikely bridge between the physical and spiritual realms of life. Its status as an emissary for the departed comes from Aboriginal wisdom. Aborigines have a legend positioning the koala as the first to inhabit the Earth. They were formed from the clay of the land, and were initially ground-dwellers. In time, the koala grew wise and shared many skills and lessons to humans. With increased wisdom, the koala graduated to higher status of being. As they grew more wise, the koala began to leave the ground, and ascend into the trees. This is a metaphor for moving from the mundane into the enlightened realm. With their transition from mundane to spiritual, the koala kept the memories of their lineage, as well as their memories of all humans. This Aboriginal legend places the koala as a symbol of memorial and memory in two ways: 1) Koala are memory-keepers. They are vessels of the spirits of those who have gone beyond the realm of mundane/physical. 2) Koala's are symbolic of transition and ascension. They remind us that while our loved ones may no longer be with us physically, the live on in a higher realm of existence.


Symbol Code: SM000810     Symbol Name: Crows and Ravens   (Category: Death )

Crows and RavensCountless cultures have identified these birds as guardians of the dead. Like koala's, crows and ravens are also memory keepers. These birds have inherited the role of 'soul-carriers' in many myths and legends...particularly Viking and Celtic wisdom. Their role of carrying souls into the otherworlds was a serious one. They insured fallen warriors would reach their gods and goddesses without intrusion from nefarious forces - hence assuring a peaceful transition. What's more, crows and ravens are purported to keep the memories of the fallen. This makes them vessels for the spirit and essence of many a warrior....essentially databanks for human strength and personality. Crows and ravens are also messengers, capable of carrying your devotions and sentiments to your loved ones. Vice versa, they can send messages from your fallen to you too.


Symbol Code: SM000811     Symbol Name: Pansy   (Category: Death )

PansyPansies have long been flowers of remembrance. Indeed, they have often been placed upon memorial markers and stones to honor and remember those who are no longer on the physical plane. They are also a symbol of togetherness and union, and perhaps this is why they are so appropriate for remembering those who have passed from our lives. Their beauty is the perfect testimony to the love we have shared with others in the past. Keep pansies around you when you wish to remember the fond memories and kindnesses of loved ones who have passed from this earth.


Symbol Code: SM000812     Symbol Name: Amber   (Category: Death )

AmberI've always considered stones to be vessels of memories. Amber is the big boss of memory, as it is one of the oldest substances employed by humankind for personal decoration and magical use. In addition to being an elemental symbol of memorial and memory, amber is also imbued with energies such as: Love, devotion, protection and healing. Amber's warm essence can mend wounds of the heart, and mend rifts we may have experienced before our loved ones passed into non-physical. Hold amber close to your heart, and focus on ideals such as healing, peace, mending, nurturing. Amber is closely aligned with the fifth element (aether), which means it is a powerful bridge between physical and spiritual.


Symbol Code: SM000861     Symbol Name: Symbolic Meaning of Number Thirteen   (Category: Death )

Symbolic Meaning of Number ThirteenThe symbolic meaning of number thirteen receives a shady interpretation in Norse myth, when an honorary banquet was held in Valhalla for Baldur (god of nobility, redemption and admirable strength) among other twelve Norse gods. Loki (the trickster) came to the banquet as the uninvited thirteenth guest. Afterwards, we learn Baldur was slain by Hoor who, to execute the god, was given a magic spear by Loki.
The symbolism of thirteen comes into play when we learn of Osiris (the Egyptian god of life, death and powerful solar symbol) was murdered by his brother Typhon. Isis, Osiris' wife and sister collected his body with intent to restore Osiris back to life.


Symbol Code: SM000862     Symbol Name: Symbolic Meaning of Rainbows   (Category: Death )

Symbolic Meaning of RainbowsOne of the most intense references to the rainbow is found in Hindu and Buddhist Tantra. Apparently, those who have surpassed their earthly ties are in a position to achieve the highest meditative state, and experience the "rainbow body". This has also been described as a "body of light" when ultimate ascension has been reached. The rainbow body phenomenon is an ultimate oneness, and typically happens at the time of death. There's a lot more to it than this small paragraph. Ask your Yogi for more information about Dzogchen, and the ultimate realization.


Symbol Code: SM000877     Symbol Name: Cicada   (Category: Death )

Cicada(Life after Death): In Ancient China, before burying their deceased loved ones, wealthy families would insert a jade carving of the cicada inside their mouth. It was believed this would assure the deceased would have a joyful life after death, and would immortalize them after their passing. The cicada is also revered by the living and signifies eternal youth and happiness. As the cicada is one of the longest living insect, it's no wonder this is a long-standing Chinese symbol for longevity.


Symbol Code: SM000907     Symbol Name: Snow Moon   (Category: Death )

Snow Moon(Death, Hunger and Thurst): The full moon of February. At this time the northeastern regions can give up their most heaviest of snow falls. This full moon is also called the hunger or hungry moon because the grips of winter can make it another lean month for the belly of both man and beast.


Symbol Code: SM000985     Symbol Name: Labyrinth Mandala   (Category: DEATH )

Labyrinth Mandala(DEATH CEREMONY): The labyrinth is a common Native American symbol representing our life as a journey. It also begs the heavy questions of our philosophical beginnings. Most interestingly, these labyrinths do not have endings, and so this mandala drives home the fact that we are each infinite, and eternal. By focusing on this mandala, we are able to see our beginnings and understand it to the relation of our journey. Not necessarily viewing our life as a labyrinth, but rather, understanding our life is what we make of it. Our nature is infinite, and how we live our lives will determine the amount of freedom our soul experiences.


Symbol Code: SM001027     Symbol Name: Halloween Bats   (Category: DEATH )

Halloween BatsA common practice among our ancestors at the time of summer's end (Samhain, Oct. 31) was to build tremendously brilliant bonfires. These fires would blaze the night for many reasons: Warding off maladjusted energies, soften the chill in the air, prepare harvest feasts, mark the occasion with a powerful solar symbol, etc. Anyone who has lit their own campfire knows the light magnetizes all manner of insects. In turn, their natural predators will also come to the flame looking for an easy insect meal. And so, bats were a common sight at Halloween-time festivities. By association, bats are viewed to be connected with this holiday's theme of magic and a time of passing from one phase of life to another (both in the timeline of human life and seasonal cycles).


Symbol Code: SM001028     Symbol Name: Arrow Saint Sebastian and Saint Ursula   (Category: DEATH )

Saint Sebastian and Saint UrsulaSymbols for saints often represent the source of martyrdom, and such is the case of Sebastian. The arrow is a symbol of his death at the hands of emperor Diocletian because Sebastian was converting Romans to Christianity. Sebastian is the patron saint of athletes, warriors and soldiers. Also the symbol of martyrdom for Saint Ursula, she died at the tip of the king of the Huns arrow because she refused to marry him. Ursula is a Catholic matron saint of orphans, virgins, and travelers.


Symbol Code: SM001029     Symbol Name: Axe Saint Boniface and Saint Josaphat   (Category: DEATH )

Saint Boniface and Saint JosaphatLegend has it that Boniface used an axe to chop down an oak tree which was worshipped by pagans (the oak was devoted to the god Thor) in the name of Christ. Once chopped, the oak split into the shape of a cross. Boniface is the patron saint of brewers and youth. Josaphat is the patron saint of the Ukraine. The axe is a symbols of saints death (he was killed defending his friends and servants from an angry mob). The axe is also a symbol of the schism between the Orthodox church vs. Rome and Josaphat's effort to unify the two.


Symbol Code: SM001030     Symbol Name: Celtic Elder Tree   (Category: DEATH )

Celtic Elder TreeThe elder tree ruling time is within the cycle of the thirteenth moon. This is also the end of the old year at the time of Samhain. This is where the elder derives its symbolism of endings and/or death.
In this same vein, the druids and ancient Celts recognized the elder had natural banishing abilities. The essence of its leaves, and the odor of its pretty white flowers were proven to ward off pesky insects. This origin might have been expanded upon in Celtic lore where we learn branches were hung over doors to ward off evil spirits.


Symbol Code: SM001031     Symbol Name: Tomb   (Category: DEATH )

TombTomb symbol meanings deal with laying to rest the thoughts and things that no longer serve us. When we see the tomb in our readings we must not misunderstand the message. This symbol has very little to do with physical death. Rather, it deals with coming out of poorly suited mind-sets and freeing ourselves from tomb-like belief systems. Often this period of "coming out" occur after much time of stagnation - another facet of the tomb - where we are once interred or encased for a time, we evolve from our tomb into a new phase of understanding.


Symbol Code: SM001090     Symbol Name: Pluto Symbol   (Category: DEATH )

Pluto SymbolThis is a lovely symbolic marriage between Pluto's furthermost location in the heavens and in the mythological stance. In the steely cold grasp of deep black space winks Pluto in its stand-offish, all-knowing charm. In myth, Pluto reclines on his throne within Hades, an underworld of dark shadow where few dare to enter.

We begin to see a theme of distance, mystery and darkness. This is often why the Pluto symbol (and all its manifestations) are viewed in terms of death.


Symbol Code: SM001091     Symbol Name: Fox Symbolism   (Category: DEATH )

Fox SymbolismThe fox is also an archetypal shapeshifter. Our Native American forebears knew the fox could change form and move from one dimension to the next as it so required. I love this concept in conjuction with the solar aspects (rising and setting of the sun which can translate to the rising and setting of our awareness) of the fox, as well as its “death” which amplifies the message of transition. Shapeshifting is a concept that you may want to research – you may find it to be a profound concept for you at this time.


Symbol Code: SM001092     Symbol Name: Shark Totem Meanings   (Category: DEATH )

Shark Totem Meanings(DEATH AND REBIRTH): Shark also confirms self-trust, and a points me into forward momentum in my life.
There are some creatures in Nature's cradle who speak so clearly of their energetic symbolism. The shark totem is one with crystalline expression. To wit, one look at these extraordinary creatures conveys a message of sleek authority.
And for all this zealous talk of life, the shark is also symbolically equipped to share lessons of death too. Actually, sharks know death is a fallacy. They have no concept of it. Sharks are in a constant state of renewal, and those with the shark totem will confirm the absence of death. Sharks, and humans attuned to sharks will only see renewal - only transition.


Symbol Code: SM001093     Symbol Name: Crossbones as a Mayan Symbol of Ixchel   (Category: DEATH )

Crossbones as a Mayan Symbol of Ixchel(DEATH CEREMONY OF FATHER): Bones crossed in an "x" is Mayan symbol of foreboding. Crossbones are a mortal Mayan symbol calling upon the concept of crossroads, which are considered ominous locations. Bones crossed are symbolic of a juxtaposition between god/man, life/death, dark/light, etc. - there is a "meeting of duality" in this crossed bone gesture. Bones were often left at crossroad sites as a gesture to discard contaminants. For example: If you died of a disease within the community, your bones might have been left at the crossroads as a gesture to "excommunicate" the disease that took your body. Crossbones have been identified as adornments on the Ixchel's clothing (in some of her renditions). This would imply she could be a sin-eater of sorts. It may also suggest Ixchel morphed into a warrior goddess at some point in the Mayan culture. She has been seen holding a spear and a shield too. These Mayan symbols along with crossbones might reinforce a vengeful attitude, and would suggest Ixchel as fully capable of reaping shrewd judgment in times of tribal war.


Symbol Code: SM001144     Symbol Name: Fish glyph   (Category: DEATH )

Fish glyphThis symbol depicts two fish linked together. The symbol itself expresses an inherent duality that many Pisces experience. Pisces is a sign that is constantly "in-between". They straddle two different worlds. Meaning, they could be flopping between the realm of life vs. death, physical vs. spiritual, dream vs. reality. The connecting line between the two fish symbols indicates Pisces link between two worlds. In essence, Pisces is the liaison, or mediator. They can walk in two worlds easily.
The glyph also represents two crescent moons, and the line between indicates the constancy of lunar cycles. Pisces can relate to this symbolic concept. This zodiac sign inherently understands the cycles of time, life and death, etc. The moon is symbolic of transition in life - an understanding most Pisces' easily pick up on.


Symbol Code: SM001145     Symbol Name: Celtic Meaning of the Yew Tree   (Category: DEATH )

Celtic Meaning of the Yew TreeThe Celtic meanings of the yew are vast and intriguing. Much of this has to do with the hardiness of the tree, and its amazingly long life-span.
Lastly, it's interesting to note the paradox of longevity juxtaposed to the yew's poisonous nature to humans. The Celts no doubt knew its lethal ways and counted this among its many attributes. This aspect of death (mortality) played against its symbolic longevity (immortality) would add tremendous strength to the symbolism of the yew, ranking it highly sacred among the spiritual clans as well as the Ogham.


Symbol Code: SM001146     Symbol Name: Vulture   (Category: DEATH )

VultureBelieve it or not, the Vulture is also a symbol of renewal. The vulture is Nature's ultimate recycler. They feed off of decay and dead stuff they find in their environment. The Egyptians noticed this behavior, and deemed vultures as death-eaters. Now this was powerful stuff - it meant the vulture could consume death, yet still walk the path of life. In the ancient Egyptian mind, the vulture represented the renewal of life - the embodiment of the cycle of life and death. It's noteworthy here that the Egyptians held the vulture as a sacred symbol of motherhood. Yep - the vulture was considered the ultimate mother - to such an extent - the Egyptians figured ALL vultures were females and mothers. In truth, both male and female play a role in raising their young. Still - these heavy, rich concepts of life and death are hugely contrasting, and that play of duality of it turns me on. I think it's fascinating that vultures are great mothers - but they could not be great mothers if they were not also death eaters. It is the consumption of death that allows them to give birth! How is that symbolic of renewal? Well, through a process of internalizing the perceived decay of our environment - like identifying that stuff that isn't working for us and digesting it - we become nourished by the consumption. It is the experience of discomfort that gives birth to the vision of the life we want to live. We can't have life with death. We can't have joy without sorrow. It works this way because we wouldn't know one without experiencing the other. The vulture is a great reminder of facing and utilizing the stinky stuff in order to give birth to the good stuff.



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