"Be an Angel with Divine Powers"
Divine Article Detail
Article Title :Philosophia Perennis

Intelligence is a dialectical process, otherwise nothing will exist. If there is no death, there will be no birth either -- death has to oppose birth. But this opposition is only on the surface. Deep down, they represent the single law, the primordial law, LOGOS.
Light has to be opposed by darkness, otherwise there will be no light. And love has to be opposed by hate, otherwise there will be no love either. And man has to be opposed by woman... and so on and so forth.
Just ask your professor how electricity can exist if there are not the polarities of negative and positive in it. Can he make electricity exist without this opposition of the negative and the positive? And he thinks nature is stupid? That is the only way! Can a river exist without two banks? It is impossible for the river to exist without two banks -- those two banks oppose each other and create the space for the river to flow between.

Life needs polar opposites: summer/winter, birth/death, yin/yang, Shiva/Shakti, positive/negative.

Your professor must be a little crazy, nuts. Professors are. You ask him: can he make anything happen without dialectics? Nature is dialectical -- nature knows how things have to be done. Nature has never been any other way, and will not be any other way.

Try to understand... then the dialectics will be seen everywhere. Illness and health, they can only be both together. Beauty and ugliness, success and failure, pain and pleasure, suffering and blissfulness -- they are all part of nature. Once you have understood it, a transcendence happens.

This is what Pythagoras says: The law of necessity and the law of power. The law of necessity pulls you downwards into mechanicalness; the law of power pulls you upwards into the world of freedom. I call these two laws: the law of gravitation and the law of grace. One pulls you downward, one pulls you up.

The logical mind says: Why opposites? But the logical mind is not really an understanding mind. Logic is not the true process of life: dialectics is. Logic is linear: dialectics is not linear -- dialectics moves by thesis, antithesis, synthesis, and then the synthesis becomes a thesis again, antithesis, synthesis, and so on and so forth... higher and higher dialectics goes. Logic is monotonous. If God was logical, as your professor of pathophysiology is, he would have created only man, not woman. What is the point? Or, only woman -- what is the point of creating man and creating trouble in the world? There would have been only homosexuality according to your professor -- no heterosexuality. But just think of a world utterly homosexual. It will be really ugly. It is good once in a while to meet a gay person -- it is gay! -- but the whole world homosexual, men hugging each other and saying 'darling'? That would have been far more pathological.

This is a beautiful world -- it exists in polar opposites. But those opposites are complementary, and it makes life rich because it gives a tension to life, otherwise life will be flat, monotonous, boring; there will be no joy. Joy arises only out of this tension.

Author: Rajneesh (Osho)

Reference: http://www.oshoworld.com


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